Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 8

If you have read our previous posts... you know that we had a heck of a time finding a place to live. We ended up having a coworker do a walk through of a condo the week before the wedding. We weren't going to be too picky since we weren't there in person to find a place to stay; we just needed someone to make sure our future home was livable. The walk through went great and we signed the lease two days before our wedding! If we didn't get a place signed before our wedding, we would have moved to Anchorage homeless. Talk about nerve wracking!

Our new mailing address is:

5851 E 6th Ave Apt A
Anchorage, AK 99504

We will also have a home land line (something we weren't planning on getting). Turns out, the only way to get cable internet here in Anchorage with unlimited downloads and uploads, is to purchase a package from the cable company. They don't really have anything to do with each other, it's simply the cable company's way of getting people to purchase additional, unneeded features from them. We do not currently have a designated phone number, but we should have one assigned to us in a couple days.

For those of you that don't know, all of our household goods are currently in a moving truck scheduled for delivery sometime after June 13. Because of this, what we had to pack in our Rondo was everything we would temporarily need to last us 3 weeks. We packed our car as full as it could get, and we managed to get everything here we needed. Our condo is pretty empty right now, the upcoming move in date should be the fun one.

Today was another day of getting everything organized and settled. We actually made a trip to the local grocery store here to buy everything anyone would initially need for food and cleaning supplies. For those of you who don't know me good enough, I can rack up a pretty hefty grocery bill. My previous record for groceries solely for myself was a little over $200. We blew that number out of the water today! We spent a whopping $645 tonight!! We were trying to guess what our damage was going to be before we got to the check out counter, and Danielle was the closest with a guess of $550.

We will post the pictures of our new place sometime tomorrow.

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