Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 7

Well not too much interesting happened today. We spent the entire day tending to our huge list of things we needed to get done once in Alaska. We mainly spent the entire day on our computers as we won't have internet access in our condo for a week or so once we move in tomorrow.

Something funny happened today tho. We got in our car and noticed that the cat kennels were melting from the heat and the added weight on top of them. After pulling over and rearranging the back seat, we jumped back into the car. I look over at Danielle and she's holding her face in pain. She then proceeds to look at me with tears in her eyes and says" Does my face hurt?" I starred at her in shock as she looked at me expecting an answer. Turns out out, she opened the front door of the car, directly into her nose and forehead. I was concerned for a second that she might have given herself a minor concussion (from the goofy question), but after talking to her and laughing a little bit, we decided to chalk that question up to mispoken words. She actually meant to ask me if her face looked red.

Weather update... temp got up to 78 today. There was a brief, but torrential down pour. It came out of no where and just dumped for 15 minutes straight. I've seen comparable downpours, but only in the heart of a major thunderstorm or hurricane. It also dumped pea-sized hail (I was hoping we got away from that part of the weather).


  1. Incredible Yup. Yup you two made it safely, and by looking at the photo's you shared I bet the only regret you have is not taking me with you. YA RIGHT... So how many times did you hear Are we meow there meow yetmeow.. Love you.

  2. Hey Niece and Nephew!

    Enjoyig keeping up with you two on the big adventure! The kids ask every day if you guys wrote yet, and are loving the pics.

    We are still argueing about where to plant the wedding tree. It is happy sitting on the porch in the pot till we figure it out.

    Mike says hi..wants you to know hes praying for ya!

    Love you both!
    Be safe,

  3. Yes dad....we heard the cats meow about 100 too many times!! But, they actually did a VERY good job!!

    Thanks aunty Robin! AND THANKS for looking up the answers to our questions (OCD ha!)
    Very interesting about Destruction Bay!

    Love you!!!
