Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Car

If you didn't know already, Danielle has been driving a 1999 Pontiac Grand Am and I have been driving a 2000 Mercury Cougar. Neither of these cars would have fared well in Anchorage, and I doubt they would have made the 66 hour drive either. Because of this, we decided to sell both of our cars and get a new one.

We ended up purchasing a 2008 Kia Rondo last night. It's a crossover type car, something of a mix between an SUV, a van, a wagon, and a car (I don't even know what to call it). It has exactly what we need to make the trip: great MPG, 45,000 miles left of the warranty (which includes just about anything you can think of... including service in Canada), it is ridiculously roomy inside for all the junk and cats we are hauling with us, the price was unbeatable, and I actually fit in the the driver seat!

DK has her reservations about the car (she doesn't like the way it looks too much), but I know it will grow on her. You can currently see completely through the car because it has the most transparent windows I have ever seen. We are getting that fixed next week by having the windows tinted. We are also going to to look into purchasing a set of studded tires, keyless starting, and perhaps a block heater to help with adjusting the car to our new home.

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