Monday, August 10, 2009

Danae and Tyler are here!!!!

Okay--so it has been awhile since we've blogged, but that is because we have been soooooooo busy with our visitors--DANAE AND TYLER!!! We actually have a busy day planned, so I'm going to try and make this brief! (but there is so much to talk about!!!) I figured I better update it now, before there are even more photos and events to add!

So this is what we have done so far.....

-Shopped downtown (rainy day) and took pictures at various photo opps. We ate a reindeer dog for lunch....caribou. It was yummy!!

-Went down Seward Highway---checked out McHugh waterfall, where Danae adn Tyler got some AMAZING pictures because they have very, very, very nice cameras, lenses, and tripod! We also did a hike that day-I stepped in bear poopoo--it was gross. Unfortunately, we didn't see any wildlife-Tyler said it was because Danae and I were being so loud!! hehe! We of course had to go to the wildlife conservation refuge---I enjoy it every time! It was great---the grizzlies were putting on a show this time(w/o commands!)--the female had dug a hole next to a log and was laying in it on her back--she kept showing off her belly, stretching, and being so darn cute! But check out her back paws/claws!

-We went to the Russian River on Saturday with one of Adam's work friends--she was our "guide"!!! We took the ferry across the river, spent quite a few hours salmon fishing and came up successful--everyone landed at least one....except for me!!! But we followed the "you catch it, you clean it" motto---luckily they let me eat it!!! We grilled it last night for dinner....yuuum! On our way back from the Russian, we stopped at was a cute little town with gorgeous scenery. Some lucky person had horses across the creek---how beautiful! The pink salmon were running up this creek and were EVERYWHERE!!! They covered the creek---so it was pretty fun to catch them. One spewed some eggs as Adam unhooked her---it was very interesting. The pinks also "mutate" and get hideous humps on their backs, beaks, and big teeth. These salmon are only good if smoked-so we let them go.

-We went to the market----had a delicous lunch and walked around a bit. I also saw my DREAM DOG!!! A lady had a Bernese Mountain Dog--I ran up to her and asked questions, pet him, AND GOT THE BREEDER'S NAME!!! Lucky for me (not for Adam)-the breeder is just in Wasilla-about 20 mins away!!! We thought Gunner was a big boy, weighing in at 106, but this dog, named Chief, was pushing 200!!! I LOVED HIM!!!!

-Yesterday we traveled up to Arctic Valley---a ski resort in the winter and the blueberry hotspot in August!!! There were people EVERYWHERE, all over the mountains. It was a very cool experience! We of course picked blueberrys--quite a few, and then trucked it to the top of the mountain. The hard part was actually coming down--hard on your knees and toes!! It was a great time and we are enjoying the berries!

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