Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Crazy cats and more fishing!

Did you know we have daily earthquakes up here!?!? The visitor's center has a screen up showing locations and strength level of each earthquake. WELL, we felt one last week! The jets were flying, so I attributed the slight shaking to a low flyer, but then the whole house shook and the cats freeeeeeeaked out! Surprisingly, nothing fell off the walls. I never checked its level. Adam also felt it at the hospital. We both kinda shrugged it off as part of learning to live in Alaska!

I believe we have introduced you to "Ronda"-our 2008 Kia Rondo. Well, we now have "Cody", a 2004 Dodge Dakota sport. Adam and I named Ronda, Tyler and Danae helped with Cody! hehe!

Last saturday, Adam and I were able to sneak in some fishing before he left for AZ. We decided to go north to Willow. We were fishing for silvers but the pinks, aka Humpies, kept getting in the way!! They were just swimming around our feet and we caught numerous of them--but they are only good to eat if you smoke them....when they are "fresh" (just outta the ocean). These humpies were completely mutated(hump, beak, color) and dying. The river was covered with dead salmon, lively salmon, and EGGS! Adam and I laughed everytime we caught a pink/humpy because they go crazy. Their teeth came awfully close to "biting" us-whether they meant to or not! One kept swimming circles around me--I was "walking my dog!" for a couple minutes. We didn't end up with anything to eat but had a lot of fun!
Angel mama REALLY wanted to go with daddy to AZ. He started packing, came downstairs for something, and went back up to find her laying in his suitcase-ready to go!
Snickers is still doing well, he is holding his weight! I think I already said it--but he is back to his usual humping of clothes! IN FACT....I found my hamper knocked over and the clothes drug out and humped last night. LOVELY!! But it actually is exciting, he is being "active!"

Okay--for any of you who watch Spike TV or True TV---Most Dangerous....Top 10 killers....etc etc. then you maybe have noticed how often that same man's deep voice says "ANCHORAGE, ALASKA!" Last night I watched "Bears Attack", which was about 3 bear attacks with in city limits of Anchorage. Just the same as moose---you don't mess with a mama and her babies! Good thing we have bear spray, but I believe we are getting Plan B protection once Adam gets back....a gun!

Monday, August 24, 2009

more Danae and Tyler times

creepy face tyler!! hehe funny funny!

Oh geeesh! Where were we?!??!
First--- Adam is currently in Phoenix, AZ....enjoying the HOT HOT weather and going through training! He doesn't have scores back on his test yet--but he feels REALLY good about it...must've been all that studying!
I miss Danae soooooooooooooooooooooo much......and Tyler! :) We had such a great time, I can't wait until next time! Here are a few more things we did during their visit.....

-We went to the Bear's Tooth---movie and dinner. Well, we ate dinner at home and shared popcorn, m&ms, and raspberry bear while watching Bruno.....interesting movie.
-Tyler, Danae, and I also hit up Moose's Tooth (by the way-bear's tooth and moose's tooth are also names of mountains) We had some yummy pizza and beer from their brewery. Tyler had to finish my was so insanely spicy, I couldn't even eat one piece!! But the breadsticks and beer were delicious!
-On the last night-we double-dated at the Peanut Factory......but unfortunately (especially for Tyler) they didn't even serve peanuts! BUT THEY DID have TVs at each table with any sports channel available. After we FINALLY got our food and was a great time. Especially since part of our meal was free! (I wonder if that waitress still works there?!?!?)
-Tyler, Danae, and I went on hike near McHugh waterfalls. A storm was a brewin, so we only saw one animal....a moose of course! We saw another beautiful view and the photographers took some more sweet pics!
-We visited a pond/lake in Anchorage and Danae met a friend! This duck would not leave her alone---it even got out of the pond and started following us to the car. We had to hold Danae back from making it a pet. "Awww, I want a duck!!"-Danae
-We went part way up Artic Valley to get another view of Anchorage. Oddly...the bugs chased us away.
-We went to Kincaid and took a different trail-hoping to see a bear or moose. Danae even packed some m&ms in her pocket to attract the bears....didn't work. But we did see some pretty wild mushrooms and fungus--bright orange and red!
-We caught the jets flying twice. One morning there were 6 of them that appeared to be playing around---it was quite the show! We saw several "touch-n-gos", even by one of the jumbos!
-We also visited Potter's Marsh, where you can see fish, bear, moose, and numerous kinds of birds. We saw a bunch of silver salmon coming in--they looked "normal" because they had just got to the fresh water. Up the river a bit the pink salmon were "mutated" with humps and beaks---I still find this very interesting! So....we saw salmon, birds, and a bald eagle. They have pictures posted and dated of various plant life and wild life at the marsh---there was a bull moose and a black bear dated at the beginning of August. We JUST missed them!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Here is a quick update....... I will be posting more photos and tales of adventures soon!!!

-Danae and Tyler left today :( We had a great time and my abs had a work out from laughing ALL THE TIME!!! It was a pretty lonely day here w/o them! I will post pics soon!

-Adam takes his final test on Thursday for pharmacy licensing. There are two--the first one he completed while in Iowa (kicked its butt---he's so smart!) This next one he has been preparing for ever since we got here! Danae and Tyler are witnesses---he has studied every night! I believe he is the smartest person I know and well-prepared, but it will be a relief for him to get it over with!!! GO ADAM!!

-School starts tomorrow.....but I was not hired on with a building. There is still a possible position pending through the district. An elementary with a Spanish Immersion Program currently has 30-some students registered in it's neighborhood classrooms---so they are trying to get another primary position. Well...I interviewed and felt the most comfortable/excited about this one (3rd one) FIRST the district has to okay the position and SECOND the school has to pick me. There is no timeline.....the principal is prepared to switch kids and classes around if the district ever okays the position---yikes! So, if you haven't noticed---Anchorage School District has been quite the change from Des Moines School District. I have been nothing but frustrated and discouraged from the beginning of this process----thank goodness for fellow Alaskans who know the system and Adam's words of encouragement! Due to Adam's research-I now know that I am competing with UAA graduates--the school is HUGE on education, particulary early childhood and has a strong partnership with ASD. I have passed up an interview for tomorrow(1st day of school!) because it is
in Chugiak---not a fun drive, especially in the winter, but still part of ASD! I am waiting
to hear about the "possible" open position, AND I am applying to be a substitute. I am
going to get my foot in the door---and kick it open!! hehe
**so---Thank you Jenny for the luck!!! Whatever happens will happen for a reason and I just might have to wait for "my school" until next year!**

-Adam leaves for Phoenix, Arizona on Sunday for training. He also gets to go to Vegas for training in September. Lucky dog---quite the places for "training!" hehehe Maybe I'll finally have the house put together by the time he gets back from AZ.......maybe!

-Snickers made 2 visits to the vet last week. He is 15 years old!!! We noticed a decline in eating, as well as humping clothes--so we were concerned!! His organs are healthy--according to blood, urine, and poo tests. Which is great-but the bad part is that it means he has either cancer or FIP Feline Infectious...Psomething---which are not treatable. He is on medication and steroids to help him along until his body just can't handle it. He is now eating, humping clothes, and being ornery as ever!! Angel has been SUPER jealous of all his special treatment! And getting even fatter because she is a horribly awesome begger when we give Snickers special food!

-WOW--that was a long update! Pics and stories soon to come of Danae, Tyler, Adam, and my adventures in ..........................................ANCHORAGE, ALASKA!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our legs huuuuuuurt!!

SO---our bodies are begging us to please stop!!! We all worked out at the base fitness center on Sunday (Danae and I concentrated on legs for some silly reason). Then we picked blueberrys and hiked Arctic Valley(NOT a valley..a mountain). Danae, Tyler, and I went to Kincaid for the "beach hike" on Monday. Again-Kincaid is suppose to have the highest population of moose---but we didn't see any, I think we take the wrong trails! BUT Kincaid always has plenty of beautiful rocks, drift wood, photo opportunities, and planes/jets! And of course--we had a fair workout.

Today we went to Flat Top....we were a bit worried about Danae since she is scared of heights and I freaked out last time we hiked it-----BUT apparently, Danae is part mountain goat! Tyler and I were SHOCKED!! I think Danae was born on a mountain because of how she climbed it today--we are all so proud of her! We are starting a tally for Flat Top Mountain--do you like the climb up or down? So far 2-2....Adam and Danae like the climb up and Tyler and I like the climb down! We'll see what Jeanette and Kevin think! So...take a look at the "ants" (people) on the side of the mountain and the sweet rock art somebody took the time to create.
We have had exhausting, but amazing and beautiful hikes the past couple days! We are taking tomorrow off and going on a glacier cruise---starting at Seward. We are suppose to see glaciers, orcas, sea lions, puffins, etc!! BUT I MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO GO, like you may have figured out or heard from me.....Anchorage School District is a bit off schedule and I may have another school interview tomorrow. I will hear about the 1st grade position tomorrow as well as schedule an interview for a primary Spanish Immersion position. OH....and did I tell you---TEACHERS REPORT ON THURSDAY!! aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh I already miss my "home" at Jackson and this has made it more difficult! Wish me luck!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Danae and Tyler are here!!!!

Okay--so it has been awhile since we've blogged, but that is because we have been soooooooo busy with our visitors--DANAE AND TYLER!!! We actually have a busy day planned, so I'm going to try and make this brief! (but there is so much to talk about!!!) I figured I better update it now, before there are even more photos and events to add!

So this is what we have done so far.....

-Shopped downtown (rainy day) and took pictures at various photo opps. We ate a reindeer dog for lunch....caribou. It was yummy!!

-Went down Seward Highway---checked out McHugh waterfall, where Danae adn Tyler got some AMAZING pictures because they have very, very, very nice cameras, lenses, and tripod! We also did a hike that day-I stepped in bear poopoo--it was gross. Unfortunately, we didn't see any wildlife-Tyler said it was because Danae and I were being so loud!! hehe! We of course had to go to the wildlife conservation refuge---I enjoy it every time! It was great---the grizzlies were putting on a show this time(w/o commands!)--the female had dug a hole next to a log and was laying in it on her back--she kept showing off her belly, stretching, and being so darn cute! But check out her back paws/claws!

-We went to the Russian River on Saturday with one of Adam's work friends--she was our "guide"!!! We took the ferry across the river, spent quite a few hours salmon fishing and came up successful--everyone landed at least one....except for me!!! But we followed the "you catch it, you clean it" motto---luckily they let me eat it!!! We grilled it last night for dinner....yuuum! On our way back from the Russian, we stopped at was a cute little town with gorgeous scenery. Some lucky person had horses across the creek---how beautiful! The pink salmon were running up this creek and were EVERYWHERE!!! They covered the creek---so it was pretty fun to catch them. One spewed some eggs as Adam unhooked her---it was very interesting. The pinks also "mutate" and get hideous humps on their backs, beaks, and big teeth. These salmon are only good if smoked-so we let them go.

-We went to the market----had a delicous lunch and walked around a bit. I also saw my DREAM DOG!!! A lady had a Bernese Mountain Dog--I ran up to her and asked questions, pet him, AND GOT THE BREEDER'S NAME!!! Lucky for me (not for Adam)-the breeder is just in Wasilla-about 20 mins away!!! We thought Gunner was a big boy, weighing in at 106, but this dog, named Chief, was pushing 200!!! I LOVED HIM!!!!

-Yesterday we traveled up to Arctic Valley---a ski resort in the winter and the blueberry hotspot in August!!! There were people EVERYWHERE, all over the mountains. It was a very cool experience! We of course picked blueberrys--quite a few, and then trucked it to the top of the mountain. The hard part was actually coming down--hard on your knees and toes!! It was a great time and we are enjoying the berries!