Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's called FISHING...not catching!!!

Oh my goodness---there is so much to talk about!!! Since the last time I wrote--we have gone camping, playing at Kincaid Park, watching the Air Force jets, and enjoying the Alaskan views! Oh....and Dad left last night :(

-Kincaid Park was a blast!! Poor Adam had to work, but the 'rents and I got to play! Mom enjoyed picking up rocks and drift wood while Dad balanced on the logs and watched the commercial planes landing. I enjoyed the sun, took pictures, and carried mom's rocks!! Oh--and Dad started to be a "Grumpy Gus" from the steep/long hike, but turned it into making jokes and I almost peed my pants....twice! The best hike EVER!
-Since Dad LOVE LOVE LOVES anything that flies (well that isn't a bird or insect!) the commercial airplanes/jets were a tease. Plus-we live a few blocks from the air force base, so we see and HEAR many....many jets everyday. On his last day here, we took him to base and sat in a parking lot--watching the jets take-off and land. It was actually pretty cool and EXTREMELY LOUD!

-Other free time included......
*Seeing a BIG bull moose on the side of the road right next to the hospital!!!
*Watching the Coast Guard take off from the dock
*Enjoying the view of Anchorage, mountains, the bay from Flat Top mountain. We didn't
actually hike to the TOP this time (the beach hike was enough!!)

**************Also....we went FISHING (not to be confused with "catching"). We camped in Soldotna Fri/Sat/Sun. Again--we met some GREAT people who were more than happy to chat and give us some tips. Unfortunately-we STILL weren't able to land a salmon! Mom, dad, and Adam had their share of fish on---landing those stinkers is the trick! (I never even had one on!!) There are more salmon hooked and lost than actually landed and enjoyed for dinner! Kind of frustrating! BUT MOM DID CATCH A DOLLY....similar to a trout---it was yuuuummmmy, grilled over the fire! Our camping neighbors are current Alaskan residents, so they were able to "dip-net"--they ended up with 25 salmon and SOOOOOOOOO kindly gave us one. Dad grilled it up for dinner (his favorite food!) and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!!! Now we all have the taste/craving for salmon....we'll keep trying!!!
-Adam has been enjoying his residency so far--even though it has been orientations and training! His co-workers are awesome and every single one of them likes to talk about outdoor activities--which happens to be fishing right now-perfect for Adam!
-I had my "formal" interview and was hired with Anchorage School District---now it is finding the right match for school, administration, community, etc. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

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