Monday, July 6, 2009

easily excited!

First of all........YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! We got a lawn mower and weed-whacker, so I can finally take care of our "jungle" yard! Our lawn is now mowed and weed-free. We decided to enjoy the back yard with the coors light, pistachios, and our cats for entertainment. I couldn't get a good picture of them both together because Angel was being a super-explorer and getting in trouble! There is a great picture of Snickers enjoying the yard!

We went downtown for awhile yesterday, mainly to the market which they have every weekend. There were all kinds of crafts and food.....we have yet to try Reindeer (Caribou) and they probably have 100+ ways to make salmon!

Speaking of salmon...the King Salmon "run" is just finishing up---next will be Reds and Silvers. We've heard that Silvers are the best to catch and eat. King's are illegal this season because of low numbers, but we went to a creek they swim up and could see them. The water is very clear and they are massive--but the rapids made it difficult to get a good picture :( When fishing is allowed, the creek IN Anchorage has fisherman/woman lined up each side, about 3 feet apart. I think it is called "battle fishing"...Adam will correct me if that's not right. Sounds right and makes sense though--basically elbow to elbow while fishing!

While at Ship Creek we met a commercial fisherman who had some helpful things to say. He told us about a place to watch the Belugas feeding on the salmon during low tide. We went there, but didn't see any. Like I said--it is the end of their run and very few were in the creek. We'll check it out again during Red Salmon....or I will, because Adam will probably be battling it out for a big one!

If you know Jessi and Grant's dog-Lily, there is a cute picture for you to enjoy. This dog was riding on his owner's 2-wheeled, motorized thingy (like on Mall Cop). He had the shades, helmet, and attitude to go with it.......totally Lily!!!

Also thought I'd mention the airplanes constantly flying over. I forget exactly, but a HUGE percentage of people have their pilot's license here--so there are many little/personaly airplanes and float planes in the sky. Also-jets from the airport. AND the fighter-jets from the nearby base! The sky is almost as busy as the streets! I haven't caught a shot of the fighter-jets yet, because they are so damn fast and I never have my camera handy when I hear them!

GOOD NEWS!! The moving company got ahold of Adam--all of our stuff will be here Wednesday morning!

MORE GOOD NEWS!! 1 week until my MAMA gets here to visit! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Adam and Danielle..
    We are really enjoying following your blog!

    All is well here..we are starting to get toms and cukes from the garden finally.
    Addison and Landon leave for camp on the 19th, Addison is excited, they are going to South Carolina this year. Landon is going to SBU campus a couple of hours north of here. Woo Hoo..Mikey and I get to go camping..NO KIDS! Canoeing.. swimming.. hiking..and BEER!

    I talked to Gayle last night..she is really excited about her visit!

    We love you guys!
