Thursday, July 2, 2009

Flat Top Mountain

We decided to go on our first true hike yesterday. After debating which of the million trails we wanted to try, we chose Flat Top Mountain. It started out pretty easy, with an uphill hike through some pine trees. The pine trees soon thinned after about a half a mile of hiking, and the only remaining plants were bushes and grass. After hiking a little further and getting to the top of the big hill in front of us (which we thought was a mountain at the time), we looked to the West to see a fabulous view of the entire town of Anchorage. We were taking pictures left and right and were amazed by the view. We spent a good deal of time on this hill, and then decided to follow the path further thinking it may go down the other side of this "mountain." Well.... turns out, when we got to the other side of this "mountain" the REAL mountain stared us right in the face. We felt like little ants compared to what we now faced. This thing was HUGE! Although we were satisfied with the view and pictures taken on the beginners mountain, we decided to hike the true mountain.

Talk about a work out! We ended up hiking up hill for about 2 miles, and then had to climb about a half mile up the actual mountain part. The climbing part was so steep it was boarder line rock climbing (without the ropes and safety). Most of the side of the mountain consisted of big loose rocks. Unlike Danielle, I'm actually used to maneuvering over these from fishing by the river over the years. It was so steep and high up above everything, Danielle almost had an anxiety attack. It was a fairly dangerous climb, but that's what made it fun!

We eventually made it to the top. This view dwarfed the initial view we were excited about. I don't know why the top of the mountain was flat, but there were plenty of neat places up there just to sit, and hang out at. Oh yes--and snow to throw at Danielle!

The climb down was WAY easier than the climb up. By the time we got back to our car, we probably hiked/climbed for a good 2 hours. We returned to the base with blisters and soar muscles. I am definitely going to stretch before our hikes from now on!

Next, it was time for Angel mama to have a bath!! She did pretty good! Check out those pictures! hehe!

Oh yeah--we also went downtown to the visitor's center today. YOU WOULD NOT believe the amount of pamplets of activities and events Anchorage and the surrounding cities offer. It was quite overwhelming! We have a lot of playing to do---including, but not limited, hunting, camping, hiking, canoeing, kayaking, rafting, mountain biking, 4-wheeling, snowmobiling (aka snowmachine in AK), dog sledding, snowboarding, cross country skiing, etc etc. All of this can be done in Anchorage or in the nearby surrounding areas!

WE LOVE IT HERE!!! (we'll see how winter goes!)
Adam's first day was today!!! He is wearing dress clothes now, but will soon be wearing a uniform! We celebrated with a delicious ghoulash dinner, with wine in a plastic cup, on our fancy furniture!

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