Tuesday, August 13, 2013

dipnetting, Harris/Jacobs visit, Brinkmeyer visit

wow-- what a crazy CRAZY cRaZy month!!!


We took some peeps out this year to get their family's limit for dipnetting.... Adam and I were down in Soldotna for 3 days and took different people out on the boat each day for some fun and fish in the freezer!  One day, Tundra got to play with his buddy Sarge while we were fishing!
 Day 1
 Day 2

 Day 3
 We hit it just right again and got the fish we all wanted (Day 2 was slow, but still successful!)

                                                         AN UNINVITED VISITOR
 just munchin on bird seed (this is why you shouldn't have them up in the summer)  This bear destroyed the feeders
 Our neighbor (who we adore), put more feeders up.  So we found this lovely sign at a garage sale and placed it on the feeder!  He thought it was a hoot! 

*pics are way outta order.....just go w/ it!**

Saw this big beast on our way to a garage sale!  Thought my brother Adam would enjoy seeing an AK mudding/hunting mobile!
 pickin raspberries! yuuuuuum
 just some weeds soakin up the sun
 traveling the Seward Highway on the Turnagain Arm towards the Kenai Peninsula for salmon fishing in Soldotna

 Snowball fight on Byron Glacier!

 hiking McHugh
 big ol mooser
 headed back 7 miles to Rabbit Lake

 Hard to see, but lil white dots on mountain are dall sheep
 we walked right by them..... we saw 43 dall sheep that day! 
lots of BIG full curl rams!
 pickin blueberries!
Eagle River Nature Center

 Checking out the sheep on the Seward Highway
 An eagle's nest w/ baby checking us out
 Father-son fishing team!  They slayed them that day!
 cuddles w/ grandma! both were wiped out!

Also- Don and Bonnie went on a glacier/wildlife cruise out of Seward one day while Jeanette and Kevin enjoyed a new brewery in Seward and the Sea Life Center. 
-We played some "Girls Rule and Boys Drule" cribbage games! :)

                                           JENNY AND NATHAN BRINKMEYER VISIT
 *again- pics are outta order...

 WE MADE IT!  Hiked Mount Baldy in Eagle River- Jenny and Nathan taking in the view
 looooooove him!
 college roomies
 after the pic was taken we had a 'laugh out loud' session- even though we weren't looking at the camera we were both smiling like we were!
 attempt at jumpin pic
 they conquered that mountain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the big ol griz Jenny spotted up on the mountain

 hiking to Symphany and Eagle Lakes- a 12 mile round trip hike including a boulder field.  We got home at 11:30 pm which made supper on the table at midnight!

 keeping an eye on that grizzly bear!
 crossing the boulder field-- the black dot is Adam!
 2 bull moose up on the mountain. Starting to get dark-- on our way out at approx. 10:30 pm
In front of Symphany Lake

 Brittany and Riley went too!

 Riley got in the family pic!
Midnight Sun Brewery--- yuuuuuum
fishing for silver salmon on the Deshka River

 my pal!
 limited! .... (while Jenny and I took a nap)- whoops
 2/3 of my limit!

 camp- might look familiar!  where we always camp when fishing on the Deshka

 Jenny's first silver salmon!

 Adam only packed 2 bobbers so he fashioned a couple from drift wood.  They worked!!!

4-wheeling at Eklutna Lake

 glacier, river, waterfalls! GOOOOOOOOOOOORGEOUS

 We had a wonderful time!!!!  Lots of laughs and great memories!


weeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllll I head back to school tomorrow.  On to the Fall season!  I am super excited for preschool and can't wait to meet my class!

Adam goes on his caribou hunt this weekend!  My moose hunt is over labor day weekend!  We bought another freezer to hold all of our meet as our first one is half full w/ fish!

Oh.... couple more pics...................

 our friends Shawn and Erin had a darling baby girl- Ellie Grace!!!
 Tundra in his new bacon tie!  (he is embarrassed!)
 my cute boys!
hard to see, but I looked out the window to see Tundra sitting in the culdesac with a ball at his feet and staring at Eve the neighbor labrador. To make it even more adorable... it was pouring rain and Eve was staring back!


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