Friday, July 12, 2013

Jessi and Grant's visit!!!

Adam's sister and brother-in-law came to visit for 10 days!!!  We took them south for red salmon and halibut fishing while camping on the beach at Clam Gulch.  We then went home to unload/repack, shower, and sleep in a bed.  Next we went north past Cantwell to scout for our upcoming moose and caribou hunts on the 4 wheelers while camping in the boonies.  Check out our pics and stories!!

But first.......

We HAD to stock up on mosquito spray because they have been TERRIBLE this year and all stores are out of spray.  It came to the point of asking when the truck comes in and checking back twice that day as they unloaded the truck only to find some guy came in and bought it all right when unpacked and shelved!  I was lucky to find some at another store...... I left 7 bottles for other ppl too.  I rushed it to the truck as people were giving me looks like they wanted to mug me for it!  ;)
Tundra and his friend Sergeant... or Sarge
 Shannon and I on a hike with the dogs-- it was a short hike cuz as you can tell, it was HOT for the dogs and us!
 okay-- now on to Jessi and Grant's trip..................

they saw lots of moose, including this mama with twins
 Grant getting a good pic from the safety of the truck!
 They came in at 2:00 Friday morning.  We got them packed up and picked Adam up from work at noon on Friday.  We then headed south to the Kenai Peninsula where we set up camp at Clam Gulch for a few days.

 Jess and Tundra checking out the critter swimming in the ocean
 close up
 It was a sea otter!!!!!!!!!!
 Lookie what Tundra found! He was so proud!  His first real football
 Fishing for reds on the Kasiloff River
 we saw LOTS and LOTS of eagles
 a couple eagles lookin over our camp
 Alaska has the biggest dandelions EVER!!!!  thanks to all that daylight/sun
 cuddle time w/ aunty jess
 more salmon fishing!
 aunt jess and uncle grant spoiled him!!!!
 the boys' bonfire....eeeeeeeek! but all went well!
 Our friendship/wishbone walking stick!!!
 and some other weird thing we found on the beach.... VeRy interesting!
 proud of his new football!
 a new campfire recipe thanks to mama Harris--- pizza rolls!!! yum yum!
 hanging out around the fire- having a GREAT time!
 volcano (i forget which one, there are three visible from this area when clear skies) to the left
 awwww cuuuuuuuuuute!
 still thinks he's a lap dog!
 more cuddles!
 FINALLY some fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (... thanks to my salmon dance!)
 fresh salmon over the fire!
 yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmy- salmon bellies, the best part!

The next adventure was going up north past Cantwell to scout for my fall moose hunt and Adam's caribou hunt.  We took the 4 wheelers for transportation and gear to camp in the great outdoors.

We took the wheelers 30 miles in to scout my moose area.  We didn't see any other people for 2 days, it was nice!  This is one of the views on the way in. 

 "Boot Hill"... I still have to look up the exact story.  Was assuming the original boots and monument belonged to the pilot of the plane that was crashed there?!?!?!  Didn't spend too much time, but will look up the story.
 the plane crashed on boot hill
 Jessi chauffeuring Grant around! 
 the windmills we passed were huge and kinda creepy!
 Grant and Jess' jump photo--- w/ helmets on! :)
 windmills in the sunset
 Tundra chased up this baby's mommy grouse-- luckily passed by the baby!  However, tonight at the river, he chased around some kind of lil baby bird and didn't eat it, then he chased it into the water where it sunk and tried to swim........ so of course I jumped into save it!  eeesssshhh  However-- he sure is a gentle dog!
 mama grouse distracting us from her baby. we saw them on the way back out too
 some cool natural carvings into the sand banks
 mmmmmmmmmmm mountain house for dinner!
 another view
 Grant shooting my 30-06, good shot!
 Jessi's first time shooting a rifle--- she liked it!
 on top of the world--- windiest hike ever!!!
 jess and grant enjoying the view
 zoomed out
 my best pal
 me and my seester!

 I took a bunch of pics of flowers... weird!  But there were lots I had never seen before and they were pretty and interesting!

 One tuckered pup!  Jessi protected him from mosquitoes w/ her jacket!
 Adam's greyling

 Super cool fish!
 MYYYYYY greylings.... notice how much bigger they are ;)
 (don't mind my chubby cheeks squished in my helmet!)
 Grant roasting his on the contraption Jess and him made--- I was impressed!

 Adam did ours like hotdogs.  Adam's fish was good, Grant and mine were mushy.  We will try again with a different strategy next time!
 The remains of a past forest fire :(

 On our way out of my area.... Adam is fishing of course and Grant is refilling our water w/ the filter. 

Now on to Adam's caribou area!

 Jessi, "Take my picture so I can see what I was hiking on later, I don't want to look now!"  ..She did good!
 Dall sheep
 Another precarious hiking situation for the flat landers!!! 
 hiking back to our wheelers

 This black bear was on a mission, I haven't seen one moving so fast! 
 We came across some big ol wolf tracks at both areas.  ..... not a fan!
 I call these bunny tails.....

 Aren't they fun?!?!

Jess and Grant got to meet Riley and Duke.... whose "people" they met in Vegas in November when we were all there for pharmacy stuff.

a good match of tug!
 silly Duke-- he is over 100 lbs!
 The homemade key lime pie our neighbors brought ...was...AMAZING!!!

 breakfast from Jess and Grant-- I forget what it was called, but it was yuuuuuuummmmmmmmmy!
 tundra being pouty after Jess and Grant left....this is where I found him one afternoon.
 cuddling his gorilla! :) seriously... sweetest dog ever!  this is a stuffed animal meant for kids that he inherited from my classroom and adores!  He is super gentle with it!

********we will also add some halibut fishing photos once we get them from jess and grant!!********

This is Adam catching a greyling

the bridge we crossed to get to my moose area.... VERY NARROW!  We  had to get a new trailer so we could fit!

  Our 4-wheelers turned boats!!!  this "puddle" stood in our way. 

PEACE and LOVE to all ya'll!!!!

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