Friday, September 27, 2013

Where have we been? Buried in a list of things to get done.

Well it seems like the only time I post on this blog now is when I'm telling a hunting story. Danielle has pretty much taken ownership of this... thank goodness too because I wouldn't update it enough nor do I take pictures as well as her!

I apologize for this late post. Fall here has been ridiculously crazy. This summer was the busiest summer we have ever had. Our entire summer was filled with guests. This is both a blessing and a curse. A crazy fall is the byproduct of being so busy during the summer. We put off so many chores, needs, and to-dos that we are still chasing our tails. Combining that with a couple of hunting tags and Danielle starting to teach a new grade (pre-school), life has been speeding by. Luckily, the snow is on the way (which we already got a couple inches, but later melted). There will soon be a transition period where it is too cold and crappy outside to do anything summer like, but too warm and not enough snow to do anything winter like. That month or so will allow us some time to relax and catch up. Until then, we will be taking advantage of every nice day offered to us... so the list continues to get put on the back burner.

As you can guess, updating the blog is also on that list. This is a little more time sensitive than some other stuff, so I feel it's good excuse to lose some sleep and get my words on paper. That's all for this transitional post... now on to the hunting story post :)

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