Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Break and Northern Lights

Happy Spring! I'd like to start off with an adorable picture (minus the pet-eye effect) of Angel and Tundra, laying on the same couch, at the same time!

This was the largest spoonbill snagged in Missouri over spring break. It weighed in at 72lbs and was snagged by Gayle Kucera!

This is the catch from DAY 1!!!! 13 spoonbill....Around 250lbs of meat! We half-heartedly snagged for two more days and brought our catch total up to 25 fish. We ended up releasing or giving away the other 12 fish since we already had more than enough meat!

We snagged the spoonbill from boats. We had three boats total with 3-5 people snagging (depending on the day)

We also had a great time with the lil ones! These masked hooligans were squirting us with water!

Adam and a couple buddies walking back across the hay field from our creek walk. We spent 3 days in Iowa before heading to Table Rock Lake in Missouri where Adam's aunt/uncle/cousins live and where Kevin and Jeanette bought a cabin last year. The Harris' and Kuceras went for a long weekend of fishing, eating, and playing games!

The Aurora Borealis! Did you know Tundra's full name is Tundra Borealis Harris?!?!? Well, it is!

Lil pink in these

Some more pink to go with that green! :)

A pretty good band across the sky

The experience of the northern lights is breathtaking and indescribable! Luckily-- Adam will brave the cold and persevere through camera glitches to catch these photos (also because his ultimate goal is to show his mama the northern lights!) I say luckily because like most other Alaskan scenery, this is one of those experiences you CAN'T give justice to in a photo! I can't concentrate enough to take photos because I want to enjoy the experience---the way they move and literally dance is just..... I can't describe it and I don't want to miss a second of it!

(or maybe I'm selfish....?!?!)


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