Thursday, May 24, 2012

Shoulder surgery= no adventures!

Hello, hello, hello!  Yes- we are still here and adding to our blog..... Adam had shoulder surgery mid-March (3 days after our spring break fishing trip) so we haven't had many adventures!  He had surgery on his left shoulder due to bones not growing correctly since he grew so fast growing up (imagine that) AND a snowboarding crash that then fractured it.  He is healing up well, sore with overuse of course, and has a gnarly scar!  I think we set the record for spending the most consecutive weekends in Anchorage since we have lived here.  We finally had our first "real" adventure in a long time this past week...... we went BEAR HUNTING!!!!  No bear(s).....yet, we will be heading out again tomorrow.  The bear hunting stories and pictures will be posted after our second hunting trip.

But for now.... we got our 4-wheelers out 2 weekends ago and spent the day riding with a couple friends.  Here are the pictures.....
 The little white specks are dall sheep!  It would be a dream-come-true to draw this sheep tag since you can basically ride on up to the base of the mountain to glass!  We will keep our fingers crossed!  (The "good" hunts in Alaska come from "drawing a tag"....basically you pay to put your name in for a certain species in a certain area and have to have your name drawn to be able to hunt it.  We have yet to get our names drawn!)
 Riding up to Knik Glacier
 Our buddy Kevin being silly and riding into the picture at the perfect moment!
 Knik Glacier!  Keep in mind that pictures do zero justice for the true beauty!
 Ice, ice everywhere!

 Having a picnic with a great view!
 Had to go through a few "puddles" along the way!
 Us girls.... just waiting on the boys!
 No, this is not snow!  The wind picked up and we found ourselves in a nasty dust storm!
Have to cross the river!!!

Will post again after the next bear hunt trip! 

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