Tuesday, March 6, 2012

so much snow!

Hi there.... so the last time we had this much snowfall in one winter was back in 1955. The record is 132.8 inches of snow and we are currently at 120 something..... I can't keep track- it just keeps snowing!

We went to Girdwood to stay at Alyeska Ski Resort for a weekend to celebrate Shawn's birthday. It was lots of fun except that Adam ended up getting pretty sick.... never decided if it was food poisoning or a virus but he ended up in the hospital to get 3 liters of fluid.
The hot tub at the cabin with a fence of snow around it!

Our lil cabin, completely covered in snow! :)

Forgive me if I've already talked about it..... the snow has been bad news for the moose this winter. Lot's of moose being hit on the roads and railroads when they are trying to avoid the deep snow. Some hunting areas have already been closed for next year and an organization has plowed paths and set up feeding stations to lure them away from the roads. This lil feller was trying to stay outta the deep snow and therefore blocking our path. It was just me and Tundra, I was on skiis. We had already passed the mama, so we were in between the two of them. The moose was very curious of me but was not a fan of Tundra..... it walked straight toward us and became agitated with Tundra so I took off my skiis and had to chase it back up the trail so that it could take a side trail and we could get around. It was a battle of me chasing away the moose, then Tundra chasing after the moose and barking like he was big stuff, then the moose turning on Tundra and charging at him, then Tundra hiding behind my legs, then me chasing away the moose again- swinging my skiis back and forth in the air and yelling at it. It was a vicious circle, but Tundra listened when it was most important for him to listen and we got by safely! Luckily the mama didn't care to wade through the snow to assist her baby or it could've been much worse. I figured she was probably preggo and ready to kick him outta the house anyway! This had to be the funniest scene.... I was even giggling at the whole situation. I have to admit that at one point when the moose was walking up to us, I was thinking, "Sweet, I'm going to pet this moose!" then I quickly shook that thought from my mind when Tundra was defensive of how close the moose was getting. It was AWESOME that he didn't all out chase the moose, because he probably would've been stomped. However, it was HILARIOUS that he was trying to be tough stuff and chasing the moose and then tucking his tail and hiding behind me!

Tundra LOVES going to school!

This is the annual event of the "Running of the Reindeer" at the Fur Rondy Festival. Yes- people take off running down the street and then 10 secs later they release the reindeer that chase them down the street.....antlers and all!

Hard to tell in this photo- but there are always some fabulous costumes! It's really not as dangerous as it sounds as the reindeer try to avoid the people as much as possible and just file in line behind each other and run through the gaps of people

There they go!

This reindeer took two people to wrastle it up the street to the starting line!

AH YES... a carnival in the winter! People are riding the rides, playing games, and eating carnival food in the snow!...... only in Alaska!

Taking a goofy pic on the mountain.... feeling silly from the sunshine and awesome boarding conditions!

The boys were being silly too!

Well, I wanted to try the videos of the bear tracks and Tundra opening his Christmas gift, but I couldn't get them to work again....we'll see

We are headed back to the midwest for spring break.... in Iowa for 4 days then headed to Missouri with both families to spoonbill on Table Rock! Pics to come soon! :)

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