Friday, March 5, 2010

Fur Rondy Festival and OUR HOUSE!!

Alrighty folks....we have a load of pictures for you! First, from the annual festival in Anchorage. The Fur Rondy (Rondevous) was started back in the day for gold panners and fur traders to come from the villages and meet to sell their goods! Nowadays.... there is still fur everywhere. I have never seen so much fur in my life! It is two weeks long, this weekend will kick off the start of the Iditarod. It is a celebration, the real start will be in Willow, AK. Check out the dogs...the fur.. AND OUR HOUSE!!!!

Horse-drawn carriages.... I just wanted to pet them....and smell them! I also gave him a lil kiss!

By far the coolest shadow box EVER! Yes...this is an actual wolf, in a shadow box! It cost a pretty penny!

Yup! Rides and all at this festival. Kids are all bundled up in their winter gear---in line for the rides!

Yes, they are auctioning furs AND moose racks. THIS IS ACTUALLY KINDA COOL...... these animals were those of poachers, road kill, etc...... the money made from selling furs (this one is a grizzly) and antlers goes back toward AK conservation. Sad situation, but they make the best of it... this fur sold for $1,000!

My favorite sled dog.... two blue eyes! We saw day 3 of the sled dog championships. Believe it or not, most of the dogs are mutts like these...... they say mutts make the best dogs!

Coming back in!

A "traditional" lookin dog team...huskies!!

The fur queens!!! preeeetttttttty!

FIREWORKS!!! A big deal, cuz we can't see them on the 4th of July!!

Big Air contest. This is Adam! (juuuust kidding!) They built a ramp crossing over a downtown street. These guys were nutso! Saw some pretty sweet crashes!!

The ramp, built on top of the hill.

and ladies and gentleman...
our house!


AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Space for our toys.... thinking a boat and 4 wheelers!

MORE space for toys!! A camper?!? Snow machines!?!?

The deck over the backyard.

The view from our kitchen window. Mountain to the left!

SWEET cupboards and space in the 2-car garage!

Downstairs bathroom

Downstairs "living room"/den/dog room/who knows. Door to the backyard! OH and a massive gun case w/ loads of guns. (we asked for them to come with the house... it was a no-go!) tehe

Kitchen and deck door

upstairs bathroom. window on the ceiling (forget what it's really called!)

EEEEEEEEEEEEkkkkkkkk, the view from our living room windows!

Big, beautiful windows!

Nah... the caribou doesn't stay :(

Okeydokey..... we are super excited. We are in the process of buying with a closing date of May 28, which is PERFECT!!! I'll be outta school and we will only have 1 month of overlap with our apartment. We'll have plenty of time for moving! There is absolutely NOTHING that needs to be worked on.....we MIGHT paint the walls, just cuz. We had the home inspection with our realtor. The home inspector was very impressed and congratulated us numerous times for getting this house. Did I mention.... we bought it after one day of being on the market! YUP, scooped it up before someone else could!
The house is on the south side of Eagle River, a 10 minute drive from our apartment now. The only iffy part is the winter driving conditions....there is only one road from Eagle River to/from Anchorage, which means you can get stuck if there is an accident or slow driving. BUT we're not too worried, we're early birds anyway and always early to work.
It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fireplace, fenced yard, deck, shed, space for toys, 2-car garage, on a culdesac, with a mountain view! We love it! Of course... we're still in the process....something could always come up, but we're positive. And we're true believers that everything happens for a reason, so we'll see what happens! :)
Honestly... a little bitter-sweet, as I have been homesick lately. BUT Adam has signed on for 2 more years at the I said, we'll see what happens!


  1. EXCELLENT!! beautiful house..I am so very proud of you guys! I am green, green, green that you got to see the start of the Iditarod..most of the dogs we ran were muts too, had one pure malamute, his name was Makuuda.
    Irony..I am wanting a Taurus Slim 9mm really bad! Looking and hoping for one from Mike for my birthday.
