Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Iditarod and Playing in the Snow

Okay....I REALLY need to go to bed, we have a huge field trip tomorrow---so here we go!!!
The first group of pictures are from the CEREMONIAL start to the Iditarod. The actual start is in Willow. I think I found the secret to seeing the mushers and their dogs...instead of going downtown where they started the ceremony, I went to the place where they were ending. It was great--I got to see them up close and wish them good luck! ...Adam was working
Unfortunately....I didn't see this year's winner...Lance Mackey (4th consecutive win, by the way) But here are some photos I did get..... :)

Jeff King (on skiis!)...a past champion. Got 3rd.

Hans Gatt- 2nd place

Newton Marshall....he is 49th, but awesome because he is Jamaican. He was pretty bundled up!!

BEAUTIFUL Kristy Gallea-- 40th

39th- Cindy Gallea......rock on!! There were 72 mushers who STARTED the race! GO LADIES!!

Pink booties!! :)

The sign right outside the park where I watched the end of the ceremony.
Nice picture---eh?!?! Don't worry, it's eating a fish!

My SWEET paper cut....actually it was a 5-in-1 deal. 5 pages of a notebook got me at once!

We got our permission to be on Fort Richardson's property for recreational purposes (ski, hike, hunt, snowmobile/machine, etc) We tried some skiing of course!! (we are not officially "residents"....we are waiting to hunt when it will be cheaper and we'll have more time)

Attempting to ski along a creek...we didn't get far!

We decided to go up into the mountain a bit--to the dam of Ship Creek. Got us in the mood to fish! Adam, "Gosh I love dams!"

Tehe....he is doing MUCH better. But when he does fall....he falls silly!

These pictures are from our sunday trip to Alyeska..... simply because it was snowing and there was pleeeeenty of powder to board in! IT WAS AWESOME!!! We had so much fun and were goofing around with our friends a little tooooo much....needless to say--those falls caught up to us, our bodies are feeling old! Oh--and Adam and I had to baby our phones a bit after the day. We had trouble with both of them working--we fell on them a little too hard....we were trying jumps of course! WITH HELMETS

Snowboarding...Adam didn't want to walk the path so decided to sled on his board!

Being goofy!

"Work it!"

At the top of the mountain---in a "blizzard"....minimal visibility!

Erin, Kim, and I at the Beer and Barley Wine Festival in January. Kim is getting married at the end of the month..... bach.ette party this weekend!! WAHOO!!!

Group photo from our weekend trip to Alyeska in January. The Mitchams (Gretchen/Daniel) and the Nabers (Shawn/Erin) know silly Adam!... if you can't tell, this was later in the night!

Alrighty friends and family......

We both happen to be busier than ever right never slows down! Adam is working 12-14 hour days at the hospital and putting in weekend hours. I just finished 3rd quarter, parent/teacher conferences are next week, I JUST got a new kiddo in my class, and we have a field trip tomorrow. (bus ride of 1hr 10min....along SEWARD HIGHWAY! eeeek!...only those who have been here know where that is, which means--the rest of you better get your bums up here and find out too! :) OH and we have a new class pet...a frog-Kelso. Passed down from another teacher. He....eats.....goldfish! Pretty vicious too!

Today gave us 12 hours of daylight!!! Getting longer...yiipppeee! Plus the snow is going "bye-bye"...high of 35 today!

Miss you all!! Love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are great!! Three lovely ladies and lots of fun!!!! I am so glad you are able to get out and enjoy your limited free time!!

    Love you lots!
