Wednesday, February 24, 2010

you better stay in your dens...bears!

yipeeeeeeee.... our "training wheels" hand gun for bear protection while in Alaska's great outdoors!

44 mag, 4inch barrel, Taurus Tracker....stainless steel

We will both take shooting lessons....even though we have shot many a handgun.... safety first!

The view on our winter/spring hike-- mountains/ocean

Adam taking it all in!

Okay... we were on the trail of a moose...or 100 moose!

Moose poopoo.... you could literally stop anywhere on this mountain and see a pile of moose poo somewhere around you. It was CRAZY!

A hungry moose had been through here!

LOTS AND LOTS OF tracks and signs of moose! BUT, funny enough, it wasn't until we were driving through town that we actually saw one! aaaaaaaaah!

For those of you who are curious... Adam's public health service/military uniform
and again...with a few more accessories!
Alrighty...quick update...
**daylight today..............................8:17-6:11, the days are getting longer which means the kiddos are getting crazier!
**we are still on the house hunt, looking again tomorrow. just not finding "the right one"
**Fur Rondevous (sp) is this weekend.... a huge Anchorage celebration that started back in teh day with miners and hunters. A couple events....FIREWORKS, rides, parade, dog sledding, and running of the reindeer! I'm sure we'll be checking it out and letting you know how it goes!
**Adam's basketball team is moving on! They play again Thursday...wahoo!
**Our hike last weekend was aimed towards looking for moose sheds. Didn't find any...THIS time! We even got off the trails a bit and used our "wild" instinct! tehe
**We have been working out, cooking meals, and feeling better than ever! By "we", I mean "I". Cuz Adam has been working out all along! BUT our dinners have been new and delicious!
**Adam is in his inpatient rotation of residency now. This is his second week and he has already seen two miracles. One involving an older man with heart problems being brought back to life and another was a premature baby who survived after 1.5 hours of something or other. All with the help of Adam--calculating/mixing/giving drugs! It has been pretty intense, but he is enjoying it! If you want to know more details and specifics....ask Adam!
.....come visit us!

1 comment:

  1. Love the uniform!!!!

    I have to say, the pictures of the mountains and water still amaze me : )

    Love you guys!!! I miss you soooooooooo much!
