Monday, February 8, 2010

February 8, 2010

"Ski for Women" A cross-country skiing race benefiting women's clinics in Anchorage. It's an all morning event, with actual races, and a fun race....the "party wave" with costumes. There were some AWESOME group costumes....more pictures to come (they're on my friend's camera) We were suppose to be a bride with bridesmaids but ended up being one guy w/ 5 lovely prom dates! These women all work with Adam and are pharmacists at ANMC.

Adam's strep throat..... he absolutely needed a picture. --Gross! Can you see the white, bubbly, nasty stuff on the back left?

Another boo-boo. Adam was playing basketball and had to step out for a couple minutes because his shoulder was hurting. Well, it got worse and he didn't sleep all night because he was rolling around in pain. He woke up the next morning with this nasty bruise running up his arm (the bruise is from the swelling and blood draining under the skin). The doctor said he partially ruptured his bicep tendon. He is grumpy....hasn't been able to workout/lift and he has a big basketball game on Thursday. He keeps saying he is going to play and I keep giving him the stink-eye!

On our way up the mountain in Ronda the Rondo.


2 bald eagle buddies just hanging out, enjoying the beautiful Anchorage/mountain view behind them!

One flew away-- you can see the mountains a little better. Pictures just don't do any of these experiences justice.

Chena taking a snooze....Adam loving it! She came over to play with Angel, only got 4-5 slaps on the nose, good thing Angel is declawed! We might get to puppy-sit her this weekend!

Snowboarding at Arctic Valley.... on the ice! Anchorage in the background. We go over and down that edge-- a little intimidating but FUN!

Beautiful mountains and valley behind Adam. Also... a huge scary drop-off about 4 feet back!

Um yah....I was a little anxious on this ancient thing!
EEEeeeeeeeekk.... our chair lift! If you are familiar with Montezuma's old rickety chair lift....this one was even worse!! Boarding down the icy mountain was actually a relief for getting off this thing!
Okay--so as you can see, Adam is all beat up! The first event was this... we decided to go snowboarding last Sunday, even though we haven't had a snow fall for a LONG time and the conditions were icy. Well, as you can see, there are bushes/grass/rocks/sticks sticking up in some areas because the lack of snow, you just have to keep an eye out and steer around them. Well Adam nailed a stick and it totally took him out. He was wearing his helmet, but hit his head so hard that he was dizzy and seeing stars. OF course he refused to leave and go home because it was only our 3rd run. Finally, 1/2 way down the next run, he asked if we could go home. I was like, "UM YEEEEEEES!" He had a sore neck and headache, but it eventually went away. Then he ruptured a tendon playing basketball. Now he has strep throat. Keep him in your thoughts! It's been a rough week!
I will take my class on a field trip tomorrow... to the Anchorage museum! Remember always LoViNg field trips?!?!? Well, as a teacher, I completely dislike them.......they had better behave! I have already threatened our next two field trips!
Still on the house hunt....looked at three last week that were all no-go. One was way too much work (and extremly over priced once you saw the inside), another was on a busy corner, and the third...well I don't even remember the third, hence the reason it as a no-go. We have a few more on our list to check out. We have an awesome relator and mortage adviser....we are really learning a lot about this whole process and are SO EXCITED!!!
Love you all and miss you!

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