Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Adam's Back! more moose....and a bike ride

The view of the park from our driveway. (our truck) Can you see the two dark shapes on the left side?!? MOOSE! Across the street from OUR house!

just munchin!

They are quiet alright with being near houses and people!

She's gotta husky lil boy!

Angel mama sleeping with me--she always has to be on top of me somehow.

Cuddlin with her toys, on her bed!

Adam took me for a treat-to see the largest chocolate fountain (in the world..I think?) Look at those chocolate bars....yum!

Coastal trail view of Anchorage--beautiful!

Out for a ride!

Of course he had to climb it!

Gettin ready to start out-- hydration pack full of Crystal Lite and a mouth full of BBQ sunflower seeds......perfect! ha!

Please excuse the dates on the bottom right of the photos......I keep forgetting to change that. We have multiple cameras....Adam and I both have one, plus one in each vehicle---we haven't been able to go anywhere w/o a photo opp! Gotta have those cameras ready!
Adam got back from D.C. on Saturday......thank goodness! Both Snickers and I got VERY sick. This is my third day off from school---doctor says "just wait it out"....the most sudden/violent "flu" I have ever had! But feeling much NO it's not the swine. Poor Snickers ended up at the vet from Saturday-Tuesday. He was being hydrated and is now on a feeding tube until his body gets back to its eating routine. He hated it there--always growled at the nurses (purred for us!) and HE EVEN tried biting a couple of the techs. Actually got one!....serves them right for the anal temperature! We got to bring him home yesterday....he is SO happy! He's been sleeping peacefully and purring a lot. He even climbed up into bed with us last night (rare!). He is doing well with the feeding tube....every 4 hours! I told Adam he gets to practice being a daddy...getting up in the middle of the night to feed the kitty! We're also taking turns coming home over lunch. What a cat! (I can just hear my dad grumbling now!) Interesting though....while at the vet, we saw dogs come in whom had been kicked by moose and attacked by porcupines...not the usual IOWA vet visit! (all were okay!) NOW...Adam is one of the most stubborn people I know-he injured his finger practicing basketball on Monday and refuses to get it looked at. It is swollen, purple, and give him crap and maybe he'll listen to one of you! (he's at the hospital all day anyway!..... "it's on the bottom of my priority list" he says!)

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