Saturday, November 14, 2009

1st Snow!

Our first real Alaskan snow!
The view of Potter's Creek on Seward Highway--family and friends out for a day of ice skating and hockey....on the marsh! The dogs love it too!
Look at that smile....really enjoying this snow angel!

Potter's Creek
Buluga the start winter
Seward Highway

The view outside my classroom door...yes those are skiis! The students get to use them in PE, after school programs, and some recesses. We also have iceskates.....they make the basketball court an iceskating area!

Classroom pets! 2 Hermit Crabs, named by the class. Spongebob and Casper! The kiddos love 'em!

My classroom!

Hehe...Halloween party. Chewy (chewbaca) and Princess Leia. Adam played the part well!

Angel's new "thing" is hiding under her cat bed! She still acts like a kitten and loves to play......apparently "we can't see her" if she goes under her bed! hehe!

Snickers is doing well, we are still feeding him through a feeding tube. We are down to three times a day now. He still isn't eating very much on his own---that's our next plan of attack, figuring out why he stopped eating in the first place. (thinking teeth) Since the last visit, he has gained back two pounds!

Well..... we haven't blogged for awhile because life hasn't slowed down and seems to be even more chaotic! And by chaotic I mean FuN and AwEsOmE!!!
Besides work work work....this is what we have been up to........
-Adam is playing basketball every week with a team of pharmacists. He has been enjoying it, but of course- coming home with injuries. He recently tore his meniscus (sp!?) and has been icing that (knee).
-We've been representing the Hawkeyes up here and watching all the games (nevermind last weekend!) Thanks to DVR, we can catch them when we're actually home!
-We will be getting our snowblower going this weekend, we have already shoveled three times this week! We also have some cross-country skiis to try out! (jealous mom?!?)
-We have been hanging out with people from the hospital. Poker tonight!
-We have had two moose at school now, and I have missed them both! Still waiting for one to walk past my classroom window! Adam told me that at some point I have to stop taking pictures of moose---I passed by one near our house the other day and DID NOT stop to take pictures, he is proud!
This is our principal--dressed up as a turkey for the annual turkey trot! Hilarious! After school the kiddos (K-6) have a chance to chase/catch the turkey! A couple of our cross country runners were on his heels and had him running the entire mile!
Check out the mountains! These are the kinders--who were let loose on the turkey first!

1 comment:

  1. oohhhhhhhhhhhh my goodness!!! SO beautiful!!! Love you both! Look like you're having a BLAST!!!! xooxoxox ~Danae
