Sunday, October 4, 2009

OcToBeR already?!?!

Hello everyone! Sorry it's been awhile, Adam and I have both been working crazy hours/weekends and haven't had time to update. Adam left for Washington D.C. yesterday morning, he is there for a 2 week conference. He had quite the day of travelling....almost didn't get on the plane, had 20 mins to get from one flight to another on opposite ends of O'HARE airport, his shuttle never picked him up, they lost his bags, he lost 4 hours due to time zones AND he was starving all day and didn't get a chance to eat anything.....kinda glad I wasn't with him! hehe! But hopefully the rest of the trip will go better!

We are getting super excited to come home over Christmas!! OH--and plans for Jess/Grant's wedding are coming along and we will all get together in Sanibel Island, Florida in July for that amazing/crazy celebration! SO EXCITING!!

Adam and I went for a hike last Sunday (much needed time outdoors!). We went to the valley next to Flat Top--where the moose are gathering for rut. So--the mountains have snow on them!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........we went hiking in the ice/snow and had SO much fun! Moose were everywhere, about 3 bulls to 1 cow. A look through the binoculars showed us 20-30 moose at a time. They were on the move and doing their thing, so who knows how many different ones we actually saw! Some people were hiking in the valley, so we decided to cross the creek and get in a bit closer too. We came very close to some--even though they were in rut, they were pretty chill! We had the experience of seeing two mate, then the bull chased off a younger, curious bull. We also witnessed something INCREDIBLE for the "animal" world. The bull went into the brush (just inside so we could still see him) and started pawing/pounding the ground. Then we SMELLED him--like a wet horse! Then he layed down. Before long, the cow came up (I believe he let off that scent for her?!?!) and started grunting at him. So, he got up-she pawed the ground, and laid down on the "bed" he had made for her. Absolutely amazing! We could see, hear, smell it all---only about 30 feet away....and they knew we were there the whole time! We hiked/sat out there for about 4 hours--just watching and having the experience of a life time! We have to take a narrow path back to the parking lot, you can choose the lower, or upper path. Well, we were road blocked by a mama on one side and her calf on the other. NEVER separate a mama and her baby! So we waited, and waited, and waited--finally the baby went back to its mom's side--so we slowly walked by AND were BLUFF charged--a snort and all. We ran adn were safe. Pretty sure the reason she was upset was because of the dogs coming down the path the opposite way. OH--the lower path was blocked by a bull! hehe--what a day and what a rush!

You don't have to go up the mountain to see moose, they are all over town! On my way to class (yes, saturday class!) yesterday, I saw three moose. On my way home from work on Thursday night, a bull was nonchalantly crossing a busy road 2 blocks from our house. CRAZY!!!
Oh--I cut 11 inches off my hair and donated it. LOVE the shorter hair, nice to have a change. My darling neice, Annie, also cut her hair .....herself! The salon had to cut her's 6 1/2 inches to get it even! Speaking of neices, we got an AWESOME package this last week from home--photographs of all the kiddos, including professional ones of Kane (9month) and Heidi/Annie. Plus, all the girls made us pictures---we have glitter ALL OVER THE HOUSE! But I love it! Mom sent some yummy cookies that are pretty much gone and "Snoozer" the moose. It's the most adorable outdoor decoration---a moose napping in a hammock--PERFECT! We also recieved photos of Sadie (my dog) and her new hair cut. If you don't know her....she is a collie/sheltie mix. She just got a hair cut, topped off with bows in her ears and doggy perfume. WELL....she got a LION CUT! She looks ridiculous, but happy! hehe so funny!
Snickers is not feeling well again, so I am keeping a close eye on him. He's such a sweety!

I think that's all on our end....please please please call/email/write--and keep us updated on your end! MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU ALL!
PS: We had 2 moose in our very own backyard! they were pretty strange looking! hehe


  1. Way to go, embarrass the cats with moose hats. I wouldn't feel well either if I knew everyone that watches your blog would see me in moose horns. So I think you should keep your hair the new length. You really look cute. But you always do anyway. So do Moose bulls really say= Lets run down quick and get us a cow or two, OR do they say lets walk on down and get them all? Love yous guyses

  2. Moose ears on a cat..hhmm..
    Moose nookie..what were you thinking getting that close???
    I love the hair cut!
    love you both!
