Monday, May 17, 2021

"Spring" 2021

We didn't have much of a spring.  We love adventuring in the snow, but October to April is too long of a winter snow season!  However, this did allow us to get the kids out for one more day on their skis.  

Ashton at Alyeska.  He would later be going up and down the pile of snow to the left in this photo.

Ashton and Ellie, so fun to see them ski together!

The Nabers behind us on the lift

Ashton was a rock star for his first time on the lifts.  Not scared at all!

Sassy sissy went down more times than I had expected and loved it when I would weave her through the cones.

Josie on the magic carpet ride

Naptime on the mountain!

Josie's snow castle in our backyard

We took one last winter weekend trip to Long Lake.  Our family stayed in our cabover camper and hung out on the lake during the day. Ice fishing, riding Ashton's 4-wheeler, snow machining, target practicing, flying kites, and enjoying the spring sunshine.  Our neighbors, Angele and Katelyn joined us for a day too.  It was a lovely time and end to the season. 

Adam working with Kate and Ashton on target shooting with a pellet gun.

Katelyn's first time driving, she took Adam for a ride! 

Ashton taking lil sis for a couple loops and puddle splashes.

Kite flying! 

Lunchtime snuggles in the fish hut 

Our set up for the weekend. Perfect

The time has come..... getting ready for Kindergarten.  My mama's heart wasn't ready for this transition but Ashton was more than ready.  We had read a book about character traits and Ashton chose his favorite to be respectful.  His drawing and writing example says, "I am quiet for my daddy."  It shows him quietly playing with his dinosaurs! HAHA!

So yes, Adam is still mostly working from home.  And this is why Ashton sometimes has to be respectful of daddy's meetings and play quietly.

This photo was the first one taken of our yard clear of snow. It was taken on April 28!  Completely melted snow means it's sand box time!  Tundra was very loyally protecting his kids.

The cutest workout buddy every!  Note her shirt, "girl boss". Adam very graciously took precious time to create a training schedule for me and my July 4 Mount Marathon Race.  The stakes were higher this year as they changed the requalification requirements, making it more difficult to requalify based on race results.  So starting January 11, I had some sort of a workout each day with a day off every 10 days or so.  It started off as strength building with equipment in our garage during the winter months.  Eventually street runs, stairs training, trail runs, mountain runs started as weather permitted. Eventually watching my diet was involved, because if you know me, you know I love sweets and beer!  This was all exactly what I needed.... somebody to tell me what do do and to hold me accountable for it. THANK YOU ADAM!

This is what mountain training looks like when there is still snow.

Finally, at the end of April.  Most of the snow had melted at the lower elevations... Hiking buddies.

Oh Josie!

Snack break and wrestle mama break

My sweet babies!  

Ashton has never been a good sleeper, like ever.  Plus he was a mouth breather and would wake up in a puddle of drool on his pillow.  We had been told a couple times that his tonsils were large and would probably need to come out eventually.  These concerns led us to a sleep study.  This is what a sleep study as a young 5 year old looks like. 

wires, wires, and more wires

This was hard on my mama's heart, especially seeing him hooked up to all the wires.  I can't imagine having a kiddo who needs frequent hospitalizations and treatments.  Those mamas, families, and children are so very strong and brave.  I pray for them.  

Ashton is one brave and tough boy.  All along these appointments and doctor explanations of what was going to happen at this sleep study--- Ashton's only concern was that these wires were going to zap him and hurt him.  Poor buddy agreed to have them attached anyway and was ready to face the sleep study.  Thankfully we were able to address this concern prior to the study and he in fact, did NOT get zapped. 

From the sleep study, we found out that he has sleep apnea.  He was waking up an average of 4 times every hour!  There are a couple different options, but the recommended option is to have his tonsils and adenoids removed.  We said yes, take them, as we expected this would need to be done eventually anyway.
Ashton at his first tball practice!  Can't beat those views.

On one of my trail training runs, I heard frogs for the first time ever in Alaska.  We only have one type of frog up here, a wood frog, and it completely freezes solid during the winter.  We have only seen frogs a couple times., so I was super excited to tell Adam and the kids what I discovered.  We came back to this area several times to catch frogs and watch the lifecycle process of eggs and tadpoles.  Adam researched and learned that this type of frog only makes their sounds during mating season which is brief.  So you have to be at the right place at the right time to hear them. 

Josie with a frog.

Finally warm and dry enough to take some of our favorite activities outside.  Josie painting in the backyard.

Officially spring when these beauties are spotted around.  Also, you know your kids are Alaska-born when you FaceTime them to show them a beautiful bear (I was in my car) and your boy is more excited about the giant rock pile in the background.  No big deal.

On to summer and hopefully some warm, sunny days!  We are starting off summer with a visit from Adam's parents.  They arrive the night after the last day of school!  Wahoo, let's go!

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