Monday, July 19, 2021

Exploring with the Pup

 While the family was gone, Tundra and I decided to check out a new trail and area up by Tok. There isn't much of a story behind it, but there are a few pictures...

Can't beat this parking spot!

This guy was the slow one of a group of 5 baby grouse. The Tundra wanted to eat it but I grabbed it in time. Mamma grouse was PISSED (see the video below). 

This stream had salmon everywhere swimming up to spawn

Cooling off in the water

Riding dirty

That dark object in the middle of the river is my rain gear. It fell off during a river crossing and I didn't know it. I finally realized it was missing a couple miles later and back tracked... luckily I found it. 

There are three sheep in this picture

A few nice bulls

It was HOT!!

And Tundra wanted nothing to do with the sun

Sheep on the horizon

A couple more bulls

Descent ram... not legal though

This is a pair of puffy pants that has been buried under the rocks for many years. I hope the guy these belong to made it out alright. 

Nice creek to hike up

This was a small herd of caribou that hung out on the mountain where Tundra and I camped. 

This dog has some tough pads. The shale on the mountain was super sharp and sticking straight up. 

Pooped pup.

View out the front door.

We hiked up to a high valley and camped on a the plateau


He hates selfies

The trail 30 miles back was ridiculously good. I wouldn't even call it a trail... this was a road!!

Great riding.

This wasp was aggressive he kept flying around me until I swatted him. M&M for size reference. 

We saw this lonely black bear side hilling the mountain. 

More beautiful riding. 

He looks like he enjoys riding on the ATV, but he really doesn't. He would rather run, but he's an old dog now and can't keep up like he used to. 

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