Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Summer Fun - DK

Oh sweet summertime, there is nothing like an Alaskan summer!  Even among the chaos of 2020.  Summer 2020 was a "go with the flow" summer due to COVID. With so many unknowns and constant changes in positive cases, knowledge on the virus, and mandates, we had to take it week by week, day by day, hour by hour.  Our first set of visitors were suppose to be Papa and GG Harris at the beginning of June and our second set were suppose to be the Brinkmeyers (and our first visitors with kids!), our college friends, at the beginning of July.  The trips were cancelled due to travel mandates and concern for remaining healthy while traveling.  The Mount Marathon race was postponed and then cancelled as well. Adam's work schedule was all over the place and not flexible.  If we did go somewhere for the weekend, he had to have phone service for his two work phones and be available to take calls. 

Alaskan weekend adventures did give us relief from the real world and it sometimes almost felt like everything was back to normal. Fresh air, sunshine, and family time are good for the soul.

My parents were our third set of visitors.  The plan was for me to fly back to Iowa with the kids for a 10 day visit and then my parents would fly back with us for a two week visit.  Adam and I debated the Iowa trip, the last thing I wanted to do was "bring the virus" to my parents and family.  But my parents were solid in their decision that they would be coming up to see us no matter what, regardless of  our decision to visit them in Iowa.  They and the rest of my immediate family insisted they were not concerned with us traveling there as long as we took precautions (as best as I could with active kids)  It was decided that we would keep the trip as planned and only visit with immediate family, plus no indoor public locations or events.  We also discussed the need to take care of our mental health and hold it to the same importance as physical health.  I was losing my damn mind and needed to be "home" with my family.  My kids needed the experiences, laughter, and love that only Iowa and our families can offer them.  I feel so blessed by the trip and am grateful we were all able to take precautions and remain healthy.  Thank you God.

Oh boy, I now see that photos are out of order. In true "Danielle dislikes technology" fashion, I'm not going to take the time to correct it. So bare with me as we bounce back and forth between adventures. 

9/16/2020 - Adam here... and in true Adam fashion I have to go back and fix it... done. 

First weekend adventure- Seward for some king and red snagging..... salmon for the freezer.

We were lucky to be there on low tide days, we spent a lot of time exploring the beach and finding critters.

Not afraid of anything.  I had to muster up some bravery to touch some of the creepy-crawly-squiggly creatures we discovered but the kids didn't give it a second thought.

Camper snuggles

This gray whale gave us quite the show, right off the beach, feeding in shallow waters!  We've never been so close, even on a boat! 

We will never see this again, it was incredible!

We haven't snagged since our last trip to Missouri for spoonbill season pre-Ashton.  His great-grandfather and grandfather passed on the tradition and love for it to Adam.  Adam took some used spark plugs to use as weights while snagging. This was done on purpose as a tribute to his grandfathers. They used to use spark plugs for weights to snag in the rivers. He tied this on, spoke to his grandpa's, "Let's go fishing," and then proceeded to rip the water. People thought he was nuts, but he was the only one to catch a king that day. 

Adam's king from snagging in Seward.  The fishing was really bad, but Adam of course landed one. He got a little emotional when telling me the story and reflecting on the nostalgia.

Snack time with my favorite mountain in the background.  Mount Marathon, we will be back to race next year!

Beautiful cold water starfish

Our creature bucket  from Seward. Eel fish, crabs, hermit crabs, starfish, urchins, a centipede looking thing, 

Eagle nest near our campsite.  Thoroughly enjoyed seeing and hearing the mama/daddy coming and going from the nest. SO BIG too!

Family hammock photo op

Adventure buddies for life

Scoured last year's burn area for morels and found a few!  Mainly thanks to our ever-observant 4 year old who found the biggest mushrooms and patches of them!

We spent the weekend at a new location, Eska Falls.  The pros were 4-wheeling, fossil digging, fishing, and swimming (rope swing too!).  The negatives were the amount of glass/nails we found and picked up from people being irresponsible and reckless, the constant gunshots from people target shooting, and the ATV trail being too technical for us to navigate with kids riding.  We weren't able to ride all the way to the falls.  Maybe next time we will just take the hiking trail or have babysitters for the kids!

Josie caught a trout and Ashton landed it for her!

There was a rope swing on the lake. It took Ashton a couple days to get the courage to try it with Mom, but he did it. 

Ergo still comes in handy when riding with Josie!

Lunchtime views

Fossils that we found

Eska falls fossils, petrified wood

Adam is so creative. His idea to use a projector inside the ice-fishing hut for a kid's movie theater while we are out camping.  They love it!

Digging fossils

Adam, Kevin, and Ken took our boat and Ken's camper over to the Copper River for dipnetting this year.  Each family came back with what they wanted for red salmon and king salmon....and then some!  Limits are 25 reds for the head of household, 10 reds for each member of the family, 5 kings per family.

Boat problems left them stranded for a while

The lineup of king salmon from a single day of fishing

 King steaks getting ready to be vacpacked and frozen

Beauty of a king. Spiderman made an appearance to see the coolers full of fish.

Canned red salmon for salmon salad sandwhiches, salmon dip, and easy meals

Annual father's day picture

Slight wardrobe change for Bapa and Papa's Father's Day photo.

We are absolutely loving our camper but also want to keep backpacking and tent camping in our agenda and memories.  We hiked in to Symphony and Eagle Lakes. 6 miles one way with a boulder field to navigate.

Snack break on "the rock"

Adam and kiddos getting our campsite arranged

Dinner at sunset- which was at like 11:00pm at that time! Ha! Our kids are troopers

Josie enjoying backpacker's pudding. Pudding mix + dry milk powder + water

The boys, fishing of course. The grayling were picky though

Jos living the life

Symphony Lake on the right, Eagle on the left

Headed towards the boulder field

Adam and Ashton watched a couple black bears after I left them behind to find a tent spot.

High on the mountain

This guy actually crossed right in front of us across the boulder field when we were headed back home. 

He is an amazing hiker for a 4 year old.  Not one complaint out of him.  And no tears after double-digit trips and falls to the ground.  We will have a hard time keeping up with him next year!

We have our annual burbot fish fry in April.  Culdesac neighbors, present and past, are invited to enjoy some fried burbot that Adam and Kevin caught at Crosswinds and an afternoon to enjoy each other's company.  Well we postponed it due to COVID but decided we could go ahead and have it on July 4th as long as we took precautions.  Besides the below photo, everyone kept distance, took turns at the food tables (single serve portions or napkin barrier to the serving spoon), used sanitizer, etc. Notice our 6 foot chalk grid across the culdesac!  It was a HOT 70 degree day and good for our souls.  We love our neighbors!

Off to Iowa!
Ashton did great with his mask and helping me coral Josie so that we could keep touching things to a minimum.  I've never used so much sanitizer!

So many cousin snuggles. Ashton and Breanna

So many! Josie and Shanin

We also met Adam's parents at his sister's house in Ankeny.  We were so happy they were able to come up and visit for the weekend.  We took a day trip to Ledges State Park for some outdoor fun away from other people.  Josie hugged and hugged and hugged GG! <3

Snuggles for Emma!

Auntie Kati is Ashton's favorite snuggler..... she knows how to rub his back just right!

Picnic with the cousins.  I think someone tooted, which was obviously funny!

Emma and Ashton ready to wade in the water.  I guess I didn't take any pics in the water. 

Watching fireworks with GG and Emma

Loving on Auntie Kati and checking out her jewelry

Music with Papa

Uncle Scottie got in on this one!

Water fight in the backyard.  Emma against Ash, Owen, Delainey!

Back to Traer
Brandon and Deanna's pool, soooooo amazing and perfect timing for this summer

Josie super excited to feed the calvies

Aggressive little buggers!  So fun to watch and listen to them!

Hugs for Bapa

Taking a break from the lawn mower ride to pet a toad

Horses at Bapa and Nana's house and at Uncle Brandon and Auntie Deanna's!

Baby toads!  Hours of entertainment!

At the lake for a picnic, swimming, and fishing

Annie and Ashton

Nana wading with Jos

Breanna giving piggy back rides

Practicing his back float

Thanks uncle Brandon, a large mouth bass, can't catch those in AK!

This is Josie. Skirt, boots, kitty in one hand and a net to catch fishies in the other

Our boyscout, Kane, set and trapped 68 minnows from the creek.  My kids love nothing more than some baby fish in a bucket!

So very proud of our Bapa Kucera!  KUCERA FOR SHERIFF 2020!  Besides COVID, media in the summer 2020 gave our country a large dose of disrespect for our law enforcement, more so than there already was.  What I have seen and heard, from strangers, from acquaintances, from family members of friends boils my blood.  I feel like I have a fire burning inside of me as I defend police.  I could never be a police officer, I just couldn't.  I couldn't see what they see and do what they do, day in and day out.  I couldn't.  Maybe I will dedicate a post to this cause; to show my gratitude towards officers, to bring awareness to those who have no knowledge of the duty of police officers besides what the media tells them to know, and to relieve myself a bit of the fire that burns inside me on this topic.  Not much makes me this angry.  But here is a tidbit from one of my Facebook posts for now.  This stems from a post that I created, showing the importance of respect in our society and exhibiting two children's books that could be used as learning tools for teaching respect to children in homes.  Shades of People and A Day With Police Officers were the two books. And of course, I was met with a rebuttal for respecting police.  I was shocked, yet not shocked, because the world has gone mad.
Here’s my perspective as the daughter of an officer who has worn a badge for 39 years.

-I know the sacrifices an officer and their family makes when he/she swears to protect and serve.

-I know the fear for their physical safety each time they report for duty.

-I know their emotional health has been compromised by the horrific suicide, fatal car accident, abuse, etc scenes they are called to. (Imagine this in a small community where you know everyone)

-I know the bullying

-I know officers are injured and killed each and every day in the line of duty.

There is entirely too much wrong in this world. But please do not forget about the good and for goodness sake do not take that away from my father, my family, his department, and the officers who CHOSE their careers to protect and serve

My jaw is clenched because this just makes me more furious than I am comfortable feeling. 

So lets move on to happy memories again....
Kane is usually the youngest grandchild, until ours are around.  He does so well with them and they both adore him.  

Now checking out auntie Deanna's jewelry!

Wrestling on the trampoline! 

Loves her Bapa! And she has him wrapped around her little finger!

Because pictures on the tractor call for showing off your muscles! :)

Josie's first kayak ride, with Auntie Deanna!

Ash on the kayak with Nana, ready to net a fish

Another bass from Uncle Brandon! 

Rode bareback and with a saddle

He looks so big up there!  Hopefully mom saved the stirrup extenders she had bought Adam when we were dating in college.  I think Ashton will need them too!

Josie Rae, tricking riding like her cousin Shanin!

Golfing!  Whacking balls into the pasture, so much fun!

Cousin Sydney <3

Traditional Iowa corn picture in their new Hawkeye gear!
 Sadly, a large amount of the corn and crops in Iowa were destroyed by the derecho winds this summer.  Heartbreaking devastation for Iowa communities and farmers.

Bapa and Nana Kucera flew back to Alaska with us.  We were all flying together to alleviate the stress of flying with two littles.....and HA....that was all planned PRE-COVID!  So it was even more of a relief to have someone along with to help with keeping hands to selves, bathroom breaks, constant sanitizer, etc. Oh and this is just lovely- our first flight was delayed which caused us to miss our second flight.  With fewer flights due to COVID, our best option was to spend a night in a hotel in Minneapolis. UGH! Long story, but overall, our kids did amazing and were better than expected on two extremely long and stressful travel days.  It was a blessing to have my parents with too.
Bapa and Ashton spent hours flying these airplanes. At our house and at the park

Bapa and Adam fishing for reds (sockeye)

Lots of time spent on these stairs, catching and releasing sculpin!  Little savage fish that will quite literally jump out of the water after salmon eggs yet cause no harm to little fingers curious about them. 

Another muscle opportunity. His first pair of waders!  Playing in the water and puddles just got better!

Rainy day campsite reading with Bapa

Fishing was sloooooooooooooooooooooow as the run was slow/late but we got dad on some salmon!  He caught his limit one day and we sent them back to Iowa with salmon and other AK meat for their freezer

So weird but so interesting, so I get it. Poking fish eyes. (the fish are already dead)

He's the best netter in the biz.

Not sure if he was taking her for a walk or vice versa.  "Bapa, go walk!"

Our family loves the Kenai!  One of our happy places!

Bapa and Nana love the Kenai too, I should check back and see how many times they've been there with us.

Mirror lake trout fishing, baby fish catching, and I guess swimming for Josie

Date night on the mountain

Our best pup

Last time we peaked this mountain was when I was pregnant with Ashton.  It's a doozy and not suitable for young kids. Love this man and love this mountain

The mountains go on forever

Thankful for our time spent together, making memories

Bapa introduced them to their first carwash!  They loved it of course, water and bubbles!

Smoked salmon quesadillas over the fire.  Looks like Ash moved on to licorice

Not sure who is smiling bigger!

Piggies, bibs, boots, and a tootsie pop

Worm digging break

Swords remain one of his favorite toys. He constantly want to joust with anyone willing. This is wear he stores them.

Nice shiner. Neither Ashton or Tundra were ready for Ashton to hold the leash. Yanked to the ground by no fault to either, just inexperience with a dog and inexperience with a kid.

Ashton has started adding more body parts to his drawings.Yes those are hands and yes that is a penis.

Big bro taking care of lil sissy, bandaid on the knee.

Thank you hug

Fun at our river

Curls upon curls upon curls

Josephine Rae turned 2!

She's a tomboy but she sure loves dresses, pink, unicorns, jewelry, purses, and babies! She keeps us on our toes as she gets in to the trouble that we never had to worry about with her brother. She's fearless and thinks it's funny to get in trouble.  She will sit herself down for a "think about it" break.  She has a high pain tolerance, so for the most part she isn't bothered by getting hurt and will get up and do it again. She loves to be outside, getting dirty, loves all creatures big and small, and keeping up with her brother.  She is Ashton's shadow and is never far behind him. 

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