Sunday, April 26, 2020

COVID-19 Impact, Part 1

As mentioned in the prior entry, Adam was tasked full time to be the Liaison to all Tribal Health Organizations (THO) for Covid-19 Preparedness and Response. While most people were told to stay home from work (many still being paid), Adam was now working more than ever, with unpredictable hours and being on call 24/7.

On March 30, Adam was told to start working full time from home. With no space in the house to setup an office or to escape loud kids, Adam created an office in the garage. March in Alaska is cold and he exchanged his uniform for bibs and a Carhart jacket. This is where Adam spent a majority of his time each day. Adam enjoyed saving time not commuting to work and being able to see the kids during the day, however, he consistently worked 12 hour days resulting in the family actually seeing him less. It is extremely stressful for Adam and finding a work-life balance is difficult currently.

Danielle continued to operate and keep the child care open during the initial phases of COVID-19. Although the Anchorage School District was making drastic changes by extending spring break, converting to online teaching, and closing the year early, KRK stayed open to support the essential workers (of which all parents were).

With COVID-19 dominating Adam’s time through work, it made it extremely difficult to do much else beyond the daily grind surrounding Adam’s duties. Unfortunately, it does not appear like his busyness will lighten up anytime soon.


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