Monday, June 9, 2014

a lil bit of everything!

 Hey hey!!!  There are a lot of different adventures in here..... here we go!

 Two more pics from my black bear-- paws!

First trip to the Deshka River for king salmon.  We got skunked! :(  Eagles were cool though!

 Adam had the week off for our bear hunt--- which was already over so we came up with a different plan...or as you will see---> planS

 Plan A= 4wheel in about 20 miles, then hike/camp for 20 miles, looking for moose and caribou sheds
 Plan A was ruined by the recent random snowfall-- stopped in our tracks by snow!
Speaking of tracks-- our 4wheel trail was a highway for Alaskan animals! 

Bear tracks
 Caribou tracks
 Wolf tracks!  The track on the left is Tundy's.... keep in mind he actually has big paws! The wolf's make his look like a puppy's!

 And moose tracks!

 Plan B- Leave our wheelers at about 8 miles in and hike in as far as we can before the snow turns us around.

Glassing for caribou and moose racks that were dropped across the valley

 I spotted one with my binocs! Look at the snow patches on the bottom left, now above the patch with the "finger" is a little white speck! hehe

 zoomed in as far as I could with my camera.... a rack?!?!  And we were off to find out!
 IT WAS!!!  A nice caribou rack that looked to be dropped just this past winter!  We grabbed the rack and hiked on-- a total of about 1.5 miles before setting up camp.

 An Alaskan Amber advertisement! ;)
Now Adam spotted a rack across the valley (from the side we were already on!)  Let's go get it!
 Wiggy's Waders for crossing the creek
 Pretty nifty!

 My handsome boys!
 Check out these rectangular rocks, in a formation that nobody could have possibly lifted! 
 We found two caribou kills, just completely devoured.  No bones-- just a mess of hair!
On our day hike-- can you see our tent!?!?!
How about now?!?!  Hint- it's blue! 

 Tundra-- a true Alaskan pup!!!  We round a total of 3 racks, all caribou.  We were disappointed, but two of them were a couple of the nicest we have found yet!

Well the further back we hiked, the more snow showed up!  On to Plan C!  First- hiking back out to the wheelers.

What's that?!?!  CARIBOU!!!

Whoops-- we were busted!
A cute couple!

Riding out on my new wheeler- a Honda Foreman 500, complete with a hard seat that makes riding easier for Tundy!  Oh- and a snorkel!.... it's a beast, and a manual, so I had a blast riding it!

 Plan C- fish for greyling in a couple creeks along the Denali Highway.  5 minutes into fishing, Adam broke 1 of the 2 poles.  Next creek we stopped at was unfishable due to construction near by it. We decided it was time to drive home and.....  On to Plan D!

Plan D- left for the Deshka River at 4 am the next morning for some King Salmon fishing

Arrived at the mouth of the river at 5:50, 10 minutes until it's legal to fish.  BOATS EVERYWHERE!
Just another day on the Deshka---- boats and float planes!  Video below of the plane--- the same one dad saw last year and drooled over!  I think it's called a "beaver"

Unfortunately, we were skunked AGAIN!  The Deshka is being stubborn this year.  OF COURSE Adam will catch his two while I am back in Iowa.  I will be in Iowa the 9th-19th, doing the usual whirlwind fun!  However, as of this weekend I have added plans, both good and bad.  My great aunt Barb unexpectedly passed away on Friday, so I will be attending the visitation and funeral.  On a much happier note- my sister-in-law's twins are currently in the process of being born.  Their surrogate went into labor, they slowed the labor way down and have been giving steroid shots to further along the development of their lungs.  The twins are not due until the end of July, but everything is going as well as it can with their early arrival. 

So, for the next post---- I predict pictures of Adam's kings, pictures from IOWA!, and if I'm lucky... pictures of my kings! :)

Take care and PEACE!

1 comment:

  1. Great stories and pictures! Tundra is such a cool dog!
