Saturday, June 1, 2013

finally some spring weather!

Wow- what a long winter! It seems we are finally on to some spring weather!  We are just beginning to see green up here--- grass growing and leaves popping.  Here is what we have been up to....

 My best pal and cousin got married May 18, luckily I was able to get back for the wedding with the last day of school being the following Thursday. (we can't take off the first or last 5 days of the school year)  I was in Iowa for a total of 52 hours.  The wedding was lots of fun and I got some time in with each niece and nephew.  This is us at the rehearsal dinner.
 What a gorgeous bride!  Everything was beautiful!
 Daddio!  We matched!  Daddy's girl forever!
 A special treat while I was back!  Thanks to Kira who works with Dad-- she sent these yummy murrels for me!  They were A-MAZING!
 Commotion in the pasture when I was suppose to be leaving..... the horses were crowded around something big and shiny......
 A giant snapping turtle!  My crazy brother picked it up outta the tall grass for us to see
Look at the claws on that thing!  And he could move pretty quick for an old fella! 
 The KillDeer nest in our round pen.  She just laid them right on the ground in her "nest"! 
 Okay, back to Alaska where we finally have spring weather!  Our neighbor boy and I were drawing pictures on our driveway.  He wanted to draw a picture of us being friends.... then he added the hearts above the head.  hmmmm :)  Super cute!
 Adam, Tundra, and I went out for a 6 day bear hunt on Kenai Lake.  This was the view from our campsite.  A great place to glass for bears!
 Our home for the week
 The white spot on the cliff is a dall sheep ram!  They were down super low!
 Big boy- full curl!
 hiking through the burnt forest
 Me and my best pup
 Fire on the beach
 Can't beat that view!  And that's Adam's baby (the boat)!
 The griz tracks we followed in to the stand one day.  Front paw compared to my boot

 Back paw compared to Adam's boot-- the heel goes all the way back to the stick in the ground.  Never did see this big fella.... thank goodness!
 The cute little mouse that entertained us while in the stand.  The mice and squirrels were gray with red stripes down their head and back.  They were busy and fun to watch!
 Just hanging out in the stand..... playing silly games and seeing how many mosquitos we can squash!
 A black bear and two cubs! (one is hidden in bushes above the other)  Munching on what little green there was due to the loooooong spring!
 Headed back to camp..... this was at 11:45 pm
 11:45 pm pic---- everything was so still and peaceful!
 The next morning- 5 am.  Moon over the mountain
 Tundra's reaction to me driving the boat--- jumps on daddy's lap, "save me!"
 Ice chunks floating down the lake
Dinner on the beach
 Another mama and her cubbies!
 Two goats
 A griz coasting the shore across from us. 
 This baby dall sheep was hilarious!  It was totally nagging mama.....
 Jumping over and on top of her.....
.....and biting at her ears.... "c'mon moooooooom, let's go!"
A nice sized griz  on the mountain across from us.  He later went up and sprawled out on a patch of snow- it was a hot day!

 So it was a HOT (73degree) day and I decided I wanted to swim with Tundra, to see his reaction of me being in the water with him.  I put the life jacket on in case he got excited and tried to play with me, also in case it was so cold that I froze up.  The first time I jumped in, I was in and out in 5 seconds it was so cold.  He didn't even have a chance to think about what was going on.  So the second time (yes I jumped in a second time) ..........Adam videoed!

 not sure if he didn't care I was swimming or if he was scared because of the scream~

A glimpse into the life of our very playful and extremely vocal pup...this is why we love him!

.... oh and for the record-- he DID go out to get the stick!

These is the same family of griz we saw last year!  A mama and her triplets!  My have they grown in size and personality!  They were a lot of fun to watch.  The one in front still has the light colored ring of fur around its neck!
 Calling them in!
 This was the biggest cub--- also the most brave and ornery!  He did not listen to mom! Absolutely amazing that mom kept all three of them alive this long and made a den big enough for all 4 of them!  #1 griz mama!

 The smallest cub stuck by the sow's side and mimicked everything she did!  Including scolding her siblings... you'll see/hear this in a video below!  She was very cautious and obeyed mama.

 The lil one scolding her sibs!  "C'moooooooon guys, mom says we gotta go!"
 **make sure your volume is up

 Fun to watch, yet mama was soooooooo intimidating! 
 **make sure your volume is up!

The other big news is that I am transferring to Creekside Park Elementary--- as their new preschool teacher!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  It is a collaboration of Anchorage School District and Headstart!  Super excited yet bitter sweet to leave yet another school family- Government Hill.  I'm sure I will have lots of great stories from the 4-5 year olds! 

Next up--- summer guests! 

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