Wednesday, May 1, 2013

it's suppose to be SPRING!

As you can seeeeeeeeeeeeeee, we still have snow on the ground and ice on the lakes :( 
These ice fishing pics were taken 2 weekends ago, but not much has changed.  It is the second coldest spring on record, in fact-- it was snowing today! BLAH!  But still making the best of it!

 A Sunday ice fishing trip with a pharmacy buddy.  We had a blast!  Caught lots of lake salmon, dollys, and bows!

 Thumbs up for a sunny, fun day!  ......and a yummy dinner!
 BUSTED!  they look guilty!
 These pics are from the "Slush Cup".  An annual event at the Alyeska Ski Resort in Girdwood.  Prizes go to the boarder or skiier who makes it across the water, best outfit, highest air, and best crash!  We had two friends entered this year! The above photo is the "Idiot Swim"... whoever can swim across first!
 my adventure buddies!
 skiiers/boarders waiting at the top!
 There were a lot of women this year!... over the jump she goes!
 pretty big air for a sumo wrestler!
 Our friend--- costume=RENO 911's Lt. Dangle!  baaaaaaaaaahahahah! It was AWESOME!  He posed all the way down!
 Had a nice flip and went further then most!
 this dude is getting ready to flip!
 doesn't look good! ... biggest air?!?
 also not looking good!  I think this guy barely made it to the pool!
 Our other friend... a "female" surfer!  He decked out his board as a surfboard!
 looked good!
 getting help outta the freezing water!.... pretty difficult when your feet are strapped in!
 Beautiful day.... people hanging out on the roof of the condos!
 Playing with our 6 year old neighbor boy!  He comes over to ask if we can play a few times a week and/or asks for a hug!   
Saw this lil critter on my way to work Tues morning..........could only get pulled over fast enough to catch a pic of it's tail!  Red fox!!

Hope all is well.  We know the weather has been pretty crazy and inconsistent in the midwest as well. ICK! 

Take Care and PEACE!

****Also... please note our freezer was SO FULL last fall that we were on a mission to get through it before the next fishing/hunting seasons.  Well well... after demolishing 2 caribou meals, 2 salmon, 1 halibut, and 1 bear meal each week........ we now have to ration for our guests!  I now have to go to the store on base to BUY MEAT.... whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!??!?  LOVIN LIFE!

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