Sunday, March 28, 2010

Yes...we still have tons of snow!

It's been a while..... here is a little update. Everything is still going well with our house, we are getting super excited! Adam has been crazy-busy on this rotation....working AT LEAST 12 hour days, usually more. I have been doing a pretty good job of having dinner ready when he gets home! ;) He is currently inpatient.... in critical care (of course, he could explain this better)--but the point is that he has been horribly busy and seeing some horrible stuff at the hospital. He has been involved in quite a few "codes"--where the doctor is shouting what he needs at Adam and he has to formulate it to that patient (example...a premature baby). Unfortunately, not all of the situations have ended happy. BUT it is a good experience for Adam and he is learning a lot, not to mention---how much pressure and stress and pharmacist can be under! Who woulda known that pharmicists DON'T just count pills and hand them out at Walmart and Walgreens!
I have also been super busy with grades, field trips, and conferences. We are into the home-stretch, 4th quarter! Also.... because of retirements and a teacher switching grades.... I GET TO TEACH 1st GRADE AGAIN!!! If you can't tell...I'm super duper excited!

Alrighty.... so our friend told us about a place where you can hike up the back of Flat Top Mountain and then literally...slide down on your butt to the bottom. We were just like, "Hmm... okay." But-Oh my goodness....we had SO MUCH fun!!! The hike up was a bit painful, but totally worth it!

This is Shawn, sliding down one of the little side "hills"

What an adorable family! Erin, Shawn, and Cheena getting ready to slide!

Taking a break to play on the mountain!

Shawn, Cheena, Erin, and I making our way up.

Yes, there were some places where Erin and I were seriously legs were shakin!

This is the view we got to enjoy on our field trip to Portage Glacier in Girdwood. This is the theater, overlooking the lake and mountains. THE PERFECT day for a field trip!

Another view, on our way back from snowshoeing

MRS. HARRIS snowshoein!

My kiddos making their way on snowshoes! Check out the view!

This is what we saw on our bus ride down to Girdwood. This is taken from the bus. Believe it or not, some of my kiddos have never even been out of Anchorage.... you should've heard their reaction when we turned the corner and saw the ocean/mountains! It was amazing and brought tears to my eyes. HOW SAD that they live in this GoRgEoUs state and don't get the chance to enjoy it because of their family "situations". I was so happy to take them on this trip...even though I hate field trips as a teacher!

Cheena and Adam cuddling...bedtime!

She just LOVES Adam, don't worry, the can is empty!

CHEENA CHEENA is getting so big and ON THE COUCH!!! oooopsies!

Adam being a monkey and trying to scare Erin, she knows to be prepared when he is around!

Puppy...all tuckered out!

The beautiful bride!!! Kim's bachette party!! We had a little TOO much fun!
That's all folks... until next time!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sled Dog Video

This is a video of a musher and sled dogs waiting to begin the Championship race. The dogs are SOOOOOOO excited! Watch and listen for was a riot!

Don't forget to see the other new post below!

Iditarod and Playing in the Snow

Okay....I REALLY need to go to bed, we have a huge field trip tomorrow---so here we go!!!
The first group of pictures are from the CEREMONIAL start to the Iditarod. The actual start is in Willow. I think I found the secret to seeing the mushers and their dogs...instead of going downtown where they started the ceremony, I went to the place where they were ending. It was great--I got to see them up close and wish them good luck! ...Adam was working
Unfortunately....I didn't see this year's winner...Lance Mackey (4th consecutive win, by the way) But here are some photos I did get..... :)

Jeff King (on skiis!)...a past champion. Got 3rd.

Hans Gatt- 2nd place

Newton Marshall....he is 49th, but awesome because he is Jamaican. He was pretty bundled up!!

BEAUTIFUL Kristy Gallea-- 40th

39th- Cindy Gallea......rock on!! There were 72 mushers who STARTED the race! GO LADIES!!

Pink booties!! :)

The sign right outside the park where I watched the end of the ceremony.
Nice picture---eh?!?! Don't worry, it's eating a fish!

My SWEET paper cut....actually it was a 5-in-1 deal. 5 pages of a notebook got me at once!

We got our permission to be on Fort Richardson's property for recreational purposes (ski, hike, hunt, snowmobile/machine, etc) We tried some skiing of course!! (we are not officially "residents"....we are waiting to hunt when it will be cheaper and we'll have more time)

Attempting to ski along a creek...we didn't get far!

We decided to go up into the mountain a bit--to the dam of Ship Creek. Got us in the mood to fish! Adam, "Gosh I love dams!"

Tehe....he is doing MUCH better. But when he does fall....he falls silly!

These pictures are from our sunday trip to Alyeska..... simply because it was snowing and there was pleeeeenty of powder to board in! IT WAS AWESOME!!! We had so much fun and were goofing around with our friends a little tooooo much....needless to say--those falls caught up to us, our bodies are feeling old! Oh--and Adam and I had to baby our phones a bit after the day. We had trouble with both of them working--we fell on them a little too hard....we were trying jumps of course! WITH HELMETS

Snowboarding...Adam didn't want to walk the path so decided to sled on his board!

Being goofy!

"Work it!"

At the top of the mountain---in a "blizzard"....minimal visibility!

Erin, Kim, and I at the Beer and Barley Wine Festival in January. Kim is getting married at the end of the month..... bach.ette party this weekend!! WAHOO!!!

Group photo from our weekend trip to Alyeska in January. The Mitchams (Gretchen/Daniel) and the Nabers (Shawn/Erin) know silly Adam!... if you can't tell, this was later in the night!

Alrighty friends and family......

We both happen to be busier than ever right never slows down! Adam is working 12-14 hour days at the hospital and putting in weekend hours. I just finished 3rd quarter, parent/teacher conferences are next week, I JUST got a new kiddo in my class, and we have a field trip tomorrow. (bus ride of 1hr 10min....along SEWARD HIGHWAY! eeeek!...only those who have been here know where that is, which means--the rest of you better get your bums up here and find out too! :) OH and we have a new class pet...a frog-Kelso. Passed down from another teacher. He....eats.....goldfish! Pretty vicious too!

Today gave us 12 hours of daylight!!! Getting longer...yiipppeee! Plus the snow is going "bye-bye"...high of 35 today!

Miss you all!! Love you!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Fur Rondy Festival and OUR HOUSE!!

Alrighty folks....we have a load of pictures for you! First, from the annual festival in Anchorage. The Fur Rondy (Rondevous) was started back in the day for gold panners and fur traders to come from the villages and meet to sell their goods! Nowadays.... there is still fur everywhere. I have never seen so much fur in my life! It is two weeks long, this weekend will kick off the start of the Iditarod. It is a celebration, the real start will be in Willow, AK. Check out the dogs...the fur.. AND OUR HOUSE!!!!

Horse-drawn carriages.... I just wanted to pet them....and smell them! I also gave him a lil kiss!

By far the coolest shadow box EVER! Yes...this is an actual wolf, in a shadow box! It cost a pretty penny!

Yup! Rides and all at this festival. Kids are all bundled up in their winter gear---in line for the rides!

Yes, they are auctioning furs AND moose racks. THIS IS ACTUALLY KINDA COOL...... these animals were those of poachers, road kill, etc...... the money made from selling furs (this one is a grizzly) and antlers goes back toward AK conservation. Sad situation, but they make the best of it... this fur sold for $1,000!

My favorite sled dog.... two blue eyes! We saw day 3 of the sled dog championships. Believe it or not, most of the dogs are mutts like these...... they say mutts make the best dogs!

Coming back in!

A "traditional" lookin dog team...huskies!!

The fur queens!!! preeeetttttttty!

FIREWORKS!!! A big deal, cuz we can't see them on the 4th of July!!

Big Air contest. This is Adam! (juuuust kidding!) They built a ramp crossing over a downtown street. These guys were nutso! Saw some pretty sweet crashes!!

The ramp, built on top of the hill.

and ladies and gentleman...
our house!


AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Space for our toys.... thinking a boat and 4 wheelers!

MORE space for toys!! A camper?!? Snow machines!?!?

The deck over the backyard.

The view from our kitchen window. Mountain to the left!

SWEET cupboards and space in the 2-car garage!

Downstairs bathroom

Downstairs "living room"/den/dog room/who knows. Door to the backyard! OH and a massive gun case w/ loads of guns. (we asked for them to come with the house... it was a no-go!) tehe

Kitchen and deck door

upstairs bathroom. window on the ceiling (forget what it's really called!)

EEEEEEEEEEEEkkkkkkkk, the view from our living room windows!

Big, beautiful windows!

Nah... the caribou doesn't stay :(

Okeydokey..... we are super excited. We are in the process of buying with a closing date of May 28, which is PERFECT!!! I'll be outta school and we will only have 1 month of overlap with our apartment. We'll have plenty of time for moving! There is absolutely NOTHING that needs to be worked on.....we MIGHT paint the walls, just cuz. We had the home inspection with our realtor. The home inspector was very impressed and congratulated us numerous times for getting this house. Did I mention.... we bought it after one day of being on the market! YUP, scooped it up before someone else could!
The house is on the south side of Eagle River, a 10 minute drive from our apartment now. The only iffy part is the winter driving conditions....there is only one road from Eagle River to/from Anchorage, which means you can get stuck if there is an accident or slow driving. BUT we're not too worried, we're early birds anyway and always early to work.
It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fireplace, fenced yard, deck, shed, space for toys, 2-car garage, on a culdesac, with a mountain view! We love it! Of course... we're still in the process....something could always come up, but we're positive. And we're true believers that everything happens for a reason, so we'll see what happens! :)
Honestly... a little bitter-sweet, as I have been homesick lately. BUT Adam has signed on for 2 more years at the I said, we'll see what happens!