Friday, November 13, 2020

Fall 2020

Fall 2020---> Danielle continued to provide in-home childcare amongst the craziness of COVID.  Adam continued to work from home with occasional days at the hospital.  Ashton and Josie continued to enjoy outside time and were getting excited for snow!  Fall 2020 included one of the most exciting and unique hunts we have ever been on, see Adam's post about the bison hunt.  

Some views just never get old

This bull moose was on a mission, we had to wait for him to continue on across our path because he certainly wasn't stopping or turning around.  Further up the trail we realized  there must have been a cow in the area as we also saw another bull on a mission.  Rutting season!

Swans doing what they do best, majestically floating around this pond with fall colors in the background.
Barbara Falls from above, so powerful
Barbara Falls from below
Eagle River Valley from our hike up Mile Hi

GG came to visit and to take care of Josie and Tundra while Adam, Ashton and I went on the bison hunt!  This would be my first time away from Josie but we knew GG would take good care of her and keep her entertained!

In fact, Josie was so spoiled and had so much fun that she barely missed us!  An example of the fun was getting her nails painted for the first time, bright pink! <3 

GG and her first Alaskan grandbaby!

All her Alaskan grandbabies, always competing for her attention!

Dino play and dino videos on Ashton's loft bed, a tradition with GG

We took GG to see, hear, and feel Barbara Falls!  Starting to freeze up

Snowy hike!

Lots of discoveries and fun, Magna tiles are a favorite "tool" for this at our house

Halloween COVID style 

Josie saw a photo of a lit up jack-o-lantern with various sized circular holes and decided that was the plan.  FYI-using a drill is not as easy or smooth as you would think.  Ashton helped plan, draw, and carve his! 

Ashton wanted to be the spiderman crew again this year, easy enough!  Just got our costumes out from last year although that didn't work for Josie so we just made use of her bday unicorn headband!  

Halloween night was -2 degrees at our house but we were able to layer up, use fire pits and a heat lamp, plus sip on warm drinks to keep warm.  We roasted hotdogs and marshmallows and chatted with our culdesac family.  My idea was to sling-shot candy at the trick-or-treaters for them to catch in their bags.  It sorta worked, needs some adjustments, but it was fun.  Adam's idea is below.......

A Halloween movie (Hocus Pocus of course) projected on the side of our camper.  
Tundra turned TEN YEARS OLD!  We love this sweet boy and just can't believe he is already 10! We celebrated with our daycare friends by singing to him and enjoying popsicles, he loves popsicles!

There happens to be a neighborhood path with a hill perfect for sledding.  Headlamps and light-up harness for a quick sledding adventure before dinner. This became a family favorite and one of Adam's first outtings after his foot surgery.

Adam had his second surgery on a neuroma in his foot in November.  It unfortunately isn't feeling much better.  Giving it some more time before deciding what to do next, if there is a next step.

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