Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Next Chapter of Our Adventure... Josephine Rae

The last picture I had taken while pregnant!  On the afternoon of Wednesday, August 22, 2018, Adam was called to deploy to Washington D.C. in the Secretary of the States Operation Center for the hurricane(s) in Hawaii. They didn't care that I was 8 months pregnant and could have a baby at any point. He left early on Friday, August 24 and was expected to be gone at least 2 weeks.  I had him snap a few maternity pictures of me (in the rain) before he left, because in my heart....I thought he would return home to a baby already born! 

On Friday, August 24, I took Ashton to a friends' daughter's 10th birthday party.

^^^^This picture was taken on Saturday, August 25 at the state fair.  Jordan was also pregnant and due 2 months after me.  We wanted to check out the rodeo and eat some fair food!  I pushed Ashton around in the stroller and felt great, it was a fun day! 

On Sunday, August 26, Ashton and I went in to Erin and Shawn's house to play and visit.  I felt some pressure down low on our drive in but didn't think much of it.  Adam said they may send him back early since the hurricane wasn't as devastating as expected.  We were grateful for this update for many reasons, thankful for everyone's safety who was involved!  

Monday, August 27 was a regular day.  My daycare was open, I watched a 3 year old, two 2 year olds, and a 1 year old.  Great news-Adam said he would be returning home the next day!

Tuesday, August 28 Adam got back!  We had taken the daycare kiddos for a walk in the neighborhood and after everyone was picked up, Adam took Ashton for a hike along the river.  I never pass up a chance to get outside but I was feeling some pressure and figured one walk was enough for the day.  After dinner, the baby was moving A LOT and I got a few videos of what looked like an alien trying to escape my belly.  Then around 8:15.... I started having "braxton hicks"..... AKA CONTRACTIONS! 

Wednesday, August 29 at 2:34 a.m..... Josephine was born!  4 weeks early!  

Back to the intense "braxton hicks" that started the night of Adam's return home. I said they were just braxton hicks, I still had 4 weeks left!  I just kept changing positions to try and get them to stop.  As they were getting more frequent and more intense, Adam told me to take a shower and then if they didn’t stop, to call in and speak with a nurse.  He had to tell me several times because I was in the biggest state of denial I have ever been in. I was a whole month early, this baby was NOT coming.  My contractions were manageable in comparison to the contractions with Ashton--those had me on my hands and knees, unable to stand or talk.  Finally, I called in and spoke with the nurse.  She told me to continue what I was doing and to come in if the contractions averaged every 3-5 minutes.  As we were hanging up she said, "Hopefully I will see you later tonight!"  I snapped back at her, "NO, NO you won't, I'm not due yet!"  At that point in time they were at 7 minutes.  Adam wanted to start packing bags (I was suppose to do the last steps of baby prep the following weekend) but I told him no, these were just false contractions, this baby is not ready to come out.  Well, I ended up taking 3 showers and the contractions were not slowing down…..they were getting closer.  I was still not convinced and did not want to wake Ashton and put him and our friends through the whole ordeal of dropping him off and leaving him for false contractions.  I was so concerned about leaving him for the real labor, I didn't want to do it to him twice!  Soooooo, I drove myself to the hospital at 12:30ish a.m.!  I kept track of contractions on my phone app on the drive in and messages would pop up like, “It’s time to call your doctor" and “you need to get to the hospital now!”  By the time I reached the hospital, I swear there was a new set of fingers grips on my steering wheel from gripping it so hard as the contractions were getting more painful. (hospital is 25minutes away)  Once I parked and starting walking in, I started to realize I was probably having a baby but wanted to be checked before I called Adam.  The contractions were not easily manageable now (it’s like my body knew I was there and just let loose!) and I had to stop a couple times before going through the door to where the security guards took it upon themselves to get me a wheelchair and take me to OB triage.  After what seemed like forever and a couple snarky comments from myself (which I apologized for), the nurse told me, “Oh honey, call your husband, you are at 7cm and 100% effaced!”  Then things started happening quick and everyone seemed to be in a bit of a panic.  They kept me laying on the bed to take me to labor and delivery, they wanted me to lay so that gravity didn’t hurry the process before daddy got there!  So there we were, in labor and delivery, I was ready to push, and daddy wasn’t there.  One guy walked in and saw everyone standing there, ready to deliver a baby and he asked, “What are we waiting for?”  Several people said, “Uh…. Daddy” and I remember feeling so guilty.  The midwife was kind of pacing and fidgeting her fingers which made me nervous...............

 **Side note, this was going to be an unmedicated VBAC (vaginal birth after a cesarean) I had an emergency c-section with Ashton. Plus my next appointment was suppose to be the following day, when I would get the Group B strep test etc. So there seemed to be a lot of concerns.  They also wanted to give me steroids as a last minute boost to help with baby’s lung development, but it was too late in the labor process.  Ready or not, baby was coming….. as soon as daddy got there!**

I asked someone to please call Adam, they did and handed me the phone.  I was livid that he wasn’t there, but it was my fault!  He said he could see the hospital.  Soon after he came running through the door and I immediately starting pushing.  We tried several different positions and I tried a few different strategies from the hypnobirthing class we had taken for Ashton while swatting at Adam and the nurses to stop touching me!  The midwife never stopped stepping side to side.  Everyone else in the room was just staring at me.  I felt like I was taking too long, I felt bad they were waiting for me.  Then I thought they were concerned and I was expecting to be moved to a c-section at any moment.  It's funny how the passing of time can be skewed and distorted in moments like these, I thought hours had passed. But less than ONE HOUR later, after playing tug-of-war with a nurse and a bed sheet, our sweet baby entered the world. A GIRL! (as a reminder, Adam knew the gender of our baby and kept it a secret from everyone until the birth)  I recommend tug-of-war with a bed sheet to everyone and make sure the person on the other end is making the most generic comments and pissing you off....because it works!  Josephine Rae was delivered at 2:34 am at 6lb 6oz and 19inches long.  She was a month early but all signs checked out and she was able to lay with me shortly after.  She was an aggressive eater and started nursing almost immediately while they gave me some stitches (lil sweetie came out with her hand by her head!)

Adam may or may not add his side of the story, here is what I know and remember.  Ashton was amazing and followed all of Adam’s directions so they were able to get out of bed and in the truck shortly after I called. He basically had to tuck and roll Ashton out the truck door to our friend’s parents’ house which happens to be on the way to the hospital.  Ashton got upset at this point and was crying but was calmed by his “Grandma Sue” and “Grandpa Steve” as he spent the night there and in bed with Sue. Adam said he didn’t know if he was in the labor and delivery room with his wife or the devil because of the craziness and noises that occurred. (part of the hypnobirthing strategies and also remember.... I didn't take anything for the pain) 

We had to spend the full amount of time in the hospital with Josie since she was early but thank goodness, they didn’t have any concerns for her.  Our friends, Erin and Shawn and Erin’s parents, Steve and Sue, took care of Ashton overnight and during the day.  Adam would get him after nap and until bedtime to spend time with him and bring him for a visit.  I am so very thankful and grateful for our Alaska family for taking care of Ashton.  My biggest concern and worry for labor was leaving him….. he hadn’t been away from me for more than like 8 hours.  However, he did amazing since he was so comfortable with them! 

It was terrifying to be in labor early, but afterwards, I can say I am thankful.  Thankful that I gave birth, unmedicated, to a 6lb 6oz baby versus the 9+ lb baby she was fitting to be.  Thankful for an extra month with our sweet girl.  Thankful that my daycare families were understanding and prepared to find alternate care.  Thankful my mother was flexible and able to come up to AK earlier than expected to help with the daycare, as we only took 2 weeks maternity leave.  Thankful Adam's mom was also flexible and able to come up and help out after my mom left.  Thankful, that although a month early, Josie was happy and healthy!  Some of our family and friends are questioning if her due date was off, but…… we had a miscarriage the month before she was conceived and she measured at her due date at each appointment and ultra sound.  So, we have a determined, strong little girl on our hands!  

Ashton wasn't sure what to think at first, but quickly warmed up to being big brother to his little baby sister!

Aunty Erin
"Grandma" Sue
Jordan and Brad
Our friend Matt also visited us in the hospital, but we failed to get a picture!

"Grandpa" Steve
Aunty Erin and cousins Ellie, Remi
Ash chowing down on a carrot pulled from our garden
Getting some fresh air while brother played in the lake

Our first big adventure at 2.5 weeks.... hiking for some blueberries with Bapa and Nana Kucera!
Snug as a bug in the ergo!
Adam and Ashton went further than us, they are on the mountainside behind Tundra.  Tundra, our loyal pup, ran between us and checked on everyone while we picked berries separate from each other!
Ashton got out of the pack and hiked a bit himself
LOL- Adam made Ashton into a bubble robot.  He stayed in this bubble suit for a good hour!
We took our new canoe out for it's maiden voyage on Beach Lake and fished for trout.

I think everyone caught a fish or two, it was a good time!
Josie smiling for Bapa.  He was the first person to get Ashton to laugh and I believe this was Josie's first real, big smile!

Proud of our daddy!

Dad stayed for a week but had to get back to work.  Mom was able to stay for an entire month!  She was crucial to keeping the daycare running!
A little river walk to enjoy a nice evening

GG Harris came up for a week and a half after my mom left to visit and help out as well.  She made monster cookies with Ashton!
We went for a hike at Flat Top's power line pass.  A spot well known for the fall moose rut!
There is a bedded-down bull in this picture!
Now can you see him?  His antlers are in the middle of the picture.
A few moose in this picture
Ashton, the worm digger!  All worms were released in our garden.....except for one found dried up in a pocket- HA
A little hike out to the Eagle River Nature Center....such gorgeous views!
This is the grandpa tree!
Spoiled by GG!
They adore each other!  Josie watches Ashton play and instantly smiles anytime he comes near.  If she is fussing, the sound of his voice or his singing will calm her! Ashton has adapted to being big brother very well.  He had a regression with sleeping in his bed, but we couldn't blame him since he saw that little sis was sleeping in our room.  He calls her Josie Rae.  We will see if he's still so fond of her once she's on the move and after his toys!
GG and Ashton played dinosaurs on his loft bed, it was their special activity!
We took Ashton to a Halloween event at a local hatchery, he had a blast!
Our little dino ready for trick-or-treat in the street, a downtown Anchorage event.
First snow of the year!
Daddy got him some skiis, this was his first time with them on, headed down the driveway.  He made 3 runs and was done.  Anxious to try them again!
More pics from Halloween.  Ashton wanted everyone to be dinosaurs!
Josie had a dino costume, but fit snuggly inside my blow up dino costume with me when packing her in the Ergo.
Smiles and giggles for daddy

Telling daddy some stories
Good ol ice fog!  Leaves some beautiful crystals covering everything the next morning
Thanksgiving at Erin and Shawn's with her parents Steve and Sue

Josie's first overnight adventure!  I hiked her in the Ergo and Adam pulled Ashton in our chariot.
3 mile hike into this cabin on Eklutna Lake
Thank you to Kevin, Brittany, and their pups for bravely inviting us to join them.  We had a great time, as always!
Ashton checking out the frozen waterfalls
card playing is a little different these days!
The view of the cabin from the trail in
AK life and family!
Josie did great!
Life couldn't be better with these two!

Welcome to the world Josephine Rae and welcome to life in Alaska! And last but not least, thank you God for lining everything up just right, Josephine's birth was full of surprises and a lot of things could have gone wrong but it all worked out and she is such a blessing to our family. 

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