Thursday, June 28, 2018

King fishing, Copper Dipping, Kucera Visit, Back to the Midwest, Sockeye Fishing

It seems my posts come along about once a year now, eek!  It’s hard to find the time, especially since I am not a fan of technology and something almost always goes wrong!  The following pictures are from March 2018-August 28, 2018.  Adam made a few separate posts about trips taken during this time period as well. 

Our baby announcement.  We were very excited for our new addition to the family.  Only Adam would find out the gender and hopefully keep it a secret until birth.  But FIRST- a busy and fun summer with our 2 year-old boy.  Goals were to get him on some fish, have him "bag a few peaks" (hike to the top of mountains), enjoy living out of our tent, and have a great visit with Bapa and Nana Kucera in AK as well as a visit back to Iowa to see the rest of our family and friends.

We had another successful annual culdesac fish fry!  Adam and Kevin did their long weekend trip in March to Crosswinds Lake to supply the burbot for the fish fry.  This is also a fun lake to catch and release some nice lake trout.  See his post on more details about this trip.

We invite all of our neighbors to bring a dish to share for an afternoon of eating way too much food, great conversation, and watching the kids have a blast.  Kevin and Brittany join us as well as other friends and family that get invited, the more the merrier!  There is always plenty of food!

Also note how quickly some people adjust to spring temperatures, while it takes others a little longer!  T-shirts versus winter jackets!
A quick neighborhood walk to get Tundra some exercise brought us within 30 yards of this moose.  Luckily, Tundra has finally retired to not caring about moose and she wasn't bothered by us either!

You will see a lot of photos from us hiking.  For the most part, we just enjoy it.  This year Adam was also training for his August sheep hunt.
McHugh Creek is my favorite local hike, for it's easy switchbacks, views, and promise of wildlife!  Unfortunately/fortunately, depending on the viewpoint... it was burned by a forest fire a couple years ago and this was our first return back.
A young moose taking a rest alongside the trail.  A positive encounter for Ashton!
My happy boys after we just spotted a group of dall sheep on the ridge above us.
Hiking Mount Baldy, a popular hike in Eagle River that's just a 10 minute drive to the trailhead from our house.  Great company with our friends Kevin, Brittany, and their pups
Family hike up Mile Hi, another local hike that isn't as well known and quick to get to after ADam gets off work.
Walking the ridgeline
This pup has lots of miles on him!
Took a little longer than usual since I was pregnant, but we made it! 

When daddy went fishing for halibut out of Seward with his friends, we went along for the overnight trip and played in Seward.  Adam has a separate post(s) about halibut fishing.  Ashton and I went to the SeaLife Center!  They have a touch tank with starfish!
He could sit and watch the seals, sea lions, fish, etc for hours!
Not many people get a kiss from a seal!
These two love the water!  We of course spent a lot of time on the shore, throwing rocks and exploring.
Difficult to see but there is a humpback tail in this picture.  Pretty cool to see whales breaching just off shore
Another hike, I forget what this one is called but it's a nice loop with some snow at the top this time of year.
Mid-hike nap!
Making our way across the ridge and back down
In the spring/early summer, a 60 degree day feels like an 80 degree day in Iowa!  Time for some water play and watermelon!  Just after I took this picture, a neighbor down the road came up to warn me about a brown bear that had killed a baby moose on the street over and had taken off....... we went inside!  This wasn't surprising.  Our neighborhoods all have greenbelts between the houses/streets where the cow moose usually come to have their babies, some protection from the bears.  But sometimes the brown bears don't mind the people/city and come up for a meal.  Last spring there were a lot of incidents with bears-- with wildlife and people.  There was a fatal attack on one of our other local hiking trails that happens to be a favorite of ours.  The bear was never found.  There were other negative interactions in that area throughout the summer.  People have differing opinions (of course) as to why the bears are becoming a problem and seem to be more brave and aggressive.  Some say it's the people's fault for leaving trash out and not being respectful of sharing our community with them.  Others say there are too many bears, the population has increased and their prey has decreased due to hunting management...... predator management needs to occur as well.

Bapa and Nana Kucera came up for a THREE WEEK trip this year!  We planned their visit during king fishing and Copper River dipnetting.  Unfortunately, the king run was the worst we have seen.  Our go-to king fishing and camping river was closed to keeping fish and later closed completely.  Although this is one of our favorite trips of the year, we needed fish in the freezer, so we had to change up our plans a bit.  We tried two new rivers- fishing from shore at Ship Creek that actually runs right through downtown Anchorage and taking our boat to the Tail Race.  Although we came up way short of our usual King haul, we were fortunate to get more than others. We were extremely happy that both dad and mom got one in! 

We also planned a new dipnetting spot this year, instead of going south to the Kenai’s 2nd salmon run in July we decided to go to the Copper River run in June.  There you are also allowed to keep kings that are dipnetted….perfect!  But again the run was low.  PLUS the river was very high which made a few challenges for us.  This makes it more difficult to dipnet and also trickier for us to navigate a river that we have never been on!  Kevin and Brittany made the 5+ hour trip to the Copper with us and we set up camp.  We checked conditions and questioned as many guides and fishermen we could that tried the river.  Basically, it came down to full boats being out for several hours and being lucky if they brought back a single fish.  Also, people were having difficulty navigating the high/rushing water.  We saw a stranded boat, observed another boat get pushed into the bank………. It wasn’t worth the danger for maybe a couple fish.  So we resorted to trout fishing the nearby lakes.  This was not in the plans but a nice change of pace and put some fish in mom and dad’s cooler back to Iowa!  Yum…. Now I’m hungry for rainbow trout!

Taking a break from fishing to read!
Making funny noises and faces
Reeling in mama's lure

Ashton checking out the gorgeous views on the way to the Copper- this is Matanuska glacier
Bummed we weren't bringing in salmon, but thankful for trout
A true outdoorsman!  He is the happiest when outside, no matter the weather!  Speaking of.... potty-training was breeze for this kid! HA- his first poop outside was off the side of the boat!
Reeling in a fish on daddy's pole all by himself!  Proud Bapa  in the background!
He did it!
Nap time on the tailgate!
The rain didn't stop us!  More trout on the stringers!
2 biggest fish of the day!
Adam's idea- Ashton's smoke goggles!  Eating popcorn by the fire!
A little bocce ball
We did some normal "kid-stuff" for Ashton too....spent some time with Nana at the park!

Ashton and I took the same flight back to Iowa as my parents for our summer visit.  We got to go to Table Rock Lake in Missouri to see GG and Papa Harris’ lake house for the first time.  We have seen a lot of pictures of it throughout the planning and building process, but this was the first time we saw it in person.  Absolutely gorgeous and perfect for them and our future Harris family gatherings!  On our way there we stopped to see Adam’s grandmother in Ottumwa and received Harris baby #2’s baby quilt!  About 30 minutes or so from the Harris’ lake house is where Adam’s aunt and uncle live, also on Table Rock Lake.  His cousins and some extended family were also there to celebrate the 4th of July.  I haven’t seen them for several years and nobody had met Ashton yet.  We had a great day on the water, it was SO NICE to see everyone, have them meet Ashton, and to also meet some of our cousin’s kiddos for the first time!  Ashton enjoyed the water, both swimming in it and fishing for bass and blue gills with his cousins. We made it back up north for the annual Kamping with the Kuceras get together at my aunt’s house near Des Moines.  This was the first time I’ve been back to attend this and got to see some of my extended family too.  We also got to see all three of my mom’s sisters on this trip!  Jolene picked us up from the airport in Cedar Rapids, Robin from northern Minnesota happened to be coming through and visited for a couple days and then Brenda from San Diego made a trip to Traer as well.  Again, I was grateful for the time we spent together and that Ashton got to meet them.  We were very blessed with getting to see a lot of family.  We of course spent time with some of my cousins, highschool friends, and college friends and their kids.  It was a jam-packed trip!  I was 7 months pregnant and a trip to the Midwest in the middle of summer was so so so hot and uncomfortable, especially with a toddler, but it was worth it!
At Grandma-Grandma's house!
Baby Harris #2's quilt
Bass and bluegill fishing with Papa.
Laughing at his silly cousin, Emma
Seemed a little more interested in catching turtles than fish! His first turtle- which he promptly threw back in the water
Wowza- GG's bass!
Adam's extended family- water day!
Going in for a kiss, Great Grandpa Kucera
My college roomie, Jenny, Nathan, and their kiddos came to play for the day.  I believe the horseback riding was the best part of the day!
My aunt Brenda from California.  I KNOW we took a picture with Robin too, but nobody seems to have the pic on their phone! I was too sick, getting off the plane, to get a pic with my aunt Jolene. Bummer
Day on the lake with Kucera cousins
The corn field next to Bapa and Nana's house
Caught some bullfrog tadpoles out of their creek
I was so happy to get a quick visit with my cousin/college roomie, Katie and her husband.  She was 8 months pregnant with twins!
Saying goodbye to Bapa and Nana at the airport.  Next time we would see them, Ashton would be a big brother!

Ashton and I were only back from Iowa I think 1 or 2 days before we took off for the second run of red salmon on the Kenai.  We weren’t able to dipnet there since we had gotten a permit from the Copper (although we didn’t get to use it).  So we were planning to catch as many as we could with our poles!  We ended up making two separate long weekend trips down…….the run was slowest we’ve seen it and ridiculously low numbers were coming in.  (They estimated the salmon run to be 3.1million, but only a little over 1 million came through.  This year they are predicting 6 million.) We needed fish in our freezer plus wanted to give some to our neighbors whom we have either taken with us to dipnet or filled their proxy permit too in the past.  Again, this was the worst red fishing season we have experienced, but also again, we did better than others and are grateful for what we were able to return home with for ourselves and our neighbors.  We had great company on our trips.  One of the other pharmacists that slayed the halibut joined us with his dog for one weekend (Matt and Rock) and then Kevin, Brittany, and their pups joined us for the next.  Ashton had a BLAST!  As much as my pregnant body wanted to lay low at our house after the fun but exhausting trip back to Iowa, I knew this was a good family trip, a great experience for Ashton, and we needed the fish in the freezer!  Adam and I had a plan- at least one of us needed to have a pole in the water at all times except for the 4 hours of overlap sleeping in the tent!  One of us stayed up late and one of us woke up early to fish, then we traded throughout the day OR we made a make-shift child play/nap area in the back of the truck.  One fishing spot is accessible right next to a parking lot where we could back the truck up, close the back gate but leave the topper open for Ashton to see and talk to us as we fished.  It worked perfectly!  So at least one of us had a pole in the water for 20 hours a day for 6 days total…..and we only got 24 of the 54 fish we were allowed.  But 24 is better than 0!  We also found out that standing in thigh-high, fast-flowing, toe-numbing cold water is the key to relieving swollen and painful varicose veins in the legs of a pregnant woman!  Like I said, Ashton had a blast.  He practiced with his pole, scooped up some “Sculpin” fish in his net, got so so dirty, and made friends with kids of all ages and adults.  Everyone in our area knew Ashton and Tundra and stopped by to say hi and give them treats! J   
Our cool dude ready to practice casting!
Scoping out the fishing action on the other side of the river with his binoculars!
The official fish bonker
A midnight fish!
Adam netting for Adam
Another midnight fish.... and I WILL toot my own horn on this one!  I also landed (netted) this fish by myself!  This is challenging anywhere, but especially when 7 months pregnant and in the current of this river!  Adrenaline for the win!

Stopped in Hope to catch a few pink salmon..... always a fun time!  They are thick in this narrow river!
Tundra needed a bath, Ash was a big help!
Had a few hours, decided to try some lake fishing.  We weren't going far at this point since I was almost 8 months pregnant!
The last picture I had taken while pregnant!  On the afternoon of Wednesday, August 22, 2018, Adam was called to deploy for the hurricane(s) in Hawaii. They didn't care that I was 8 months pregnant and could have a baby at any point. He left early on Friday, August 24 and was expected to be gone at least 2 weeks.  I had him snap a few "maternity" pictures of me (in the rain) before he left, because in my heart....I thought he would return home to a baby already born!

On Friday, August 24, I took Ashton to friends' daughter's 10th birthday party.

This picture was taken on Saturday, August 25 at the state fair.  Jordan was also pregnant and due 2 months after me.  We wanted to check out the rodeo and eat some fair food!  I pushed Ashton around in the stroller and felt great, it was a fun day!

On Sunday, August 26, Ashton and I went in to Erin and Shawn's house to play and visit.  I felt some pressure down low on our drive in but didn't think much of it.  Adam said they may send him back early since the hurricane wasn't as devastating as expected.

Monday, August 27 was a regular day.  My daycare was open, I watched a 3 year old, two 2 year olds, and a 1 year old.  Adam said he would be returning home the next day!

Tuesday, August 28 Adam got back!  After dinner.... I started having "braxton hicks"..... AKA CONTRACTIONS!

Wednesday, August 29 at 2:38 a.m..... Josephine was born!  4 weeks early!  There is another post with more details and pictures!
This was a hilarious moment.  Ashton is obsessed with animals and we had been talking a lot about horns, antlers, and the confusion between some mommys having horns or antlers while others didn't.  Well this mama was nursing a calf and had rather large teats!  Ashton made sure to point it out and yelled, "Mommy, that cow have penis".  The strangers around us thought it was funny too!

It was another busy but amazing summer in Alaska with a visit to the good ol midwest!

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