Monday, April 2, 2018

Last Winter Trip - Long Lake

We have decided to add another annual trip to our winter fun... one to Long Lake. This wasn't our first time fishing or camping on the lake, but it was the first time doing it in Spring. Conditions were quite a bit different, and we learned a lot about the lake for this time of year. 

I won't beat around the bush, fishing was horrible. We only landed a handful of small burbot and hooked into a couple tiny trout. Nobody else on the lake was catching anything either. In fact, state wide the fishing was horrid. I talked with a couple fishing guide friends and they said their clients did not catch a single fish during their guided trips that weekend either. There must have been something odd about the moon phase and atmospheric pressure. 

This is Danielle and Ashton going for a joy ride on the snowmachine while I'm stuck shoveling off 2 feet of snow from a 12 x 12 area for our tent. One day Ashton will be big enough to help :)

They stopped by the truck to grab a small load too. 

Half-way to clearing the snow.

This is Ashton's side of the tent. Not pictured is our side, with bunk cots taking up the entire area. That little propane stove does an amazing job of keeping the tent warm, however, the top bunk person gets COOKED!

I missed the good sunrise... this is the aftermath. 

The view out our door. 

Danielle emerging from the tent. 

Ashton and I were trying to find a good fishing spot near our tent. The drop offs on this lake are crazy. A couple of feet horizontally meant a possible drop in 10 or more feet of depth. 

This kid is a fishing addict. He loves catching, but would rarely get bored of just dropping the line to the bottom and then reeling it back in. Good thing too because very little catching was happening this weekend. 

Ski time for the ski team. This means a work-out for mom and nap time for Ashton. 

I explored some new areas of the lake. Danielle skied across it to meet up with me and took a nap on the machine... well earned. 

Our back drop was scenic too. You can probably see why there are such steep drop offs in the lake. Interesting this... in the spring when things start thawing, the rocks from the peak at the top start expanding and massive boulders occasionally shoot down the mountain. We weren't in any danger where our tent was because of the many trees behind us. However, we did find a couple huge boulders on the lake in different areas where there wasn't anything stopping their momentum. 

And here is an example of a boulder that made it to the lake... crossing over the highway on its way down!

Lunch time!

Aston loves playing with the Alaskan animal toys Gigi got him!

This was the first mosquito of the season... way too early. 

Ashton gets special treats when we are camping and fishing... fruit by the foot is one of them. 


We tried a new snack as well... Gatorade soaked snow.

Tundra was soaking up the rays too. Little does he know that this snow will soon be gone, he will be too hot, and he will be missing the snow. 

We somehow got all of us on the snowmachine and decided to take a selfie :)

The snow was perfect for making a snowman. Ashton enjoyed it... or rather enjoyed hitting him with a stick. 

And this is the mess we woke up to our last morning! There was 8 inches of water inside the tent and everywhere around us :( Luckily the water didn't reach the bottom of our cot or the pack & play crib... however, Tundra was sleeping on the ground and wasn't too dry. Him along with our bags, stove, and clothes were all soaked. Good thing it was nice and toasty in the tent!

Here is what it looked like without the tent. 

The ground tarp started floating in all the water. 

Here is Ashton and Mommy fishing. No fish, but a good example of "fishing" he would do all day if he could. 

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