Thursday, December 15, 2016

Ashton is the absolute best!!

 So I finally went back and completed the post from this summer, if you haven't seen it, look back a couple posts before Adam's goat and sheep hunt blogs to see pictures and updates from our first summer as parents!

I just don't know where the time has gone, Ashton is already 9 months old!  He LOVES eating and has liked every solid food he has tried except that he was slow to transition to textures and finger foods.  He is a true Alaskan boy and likes salmon, moose, goat, sheep, and bear! He is still nursing and working on using a sippy.  Never took to a pacifier and started refusing bottles in July, so I don't go far from him! :)  He is a super speedy crawler and is pulling himself to stand.  He takes steps along the furniture and behind the walker.  He can climb two stairs.... haven't tried anymore!  He still loves baths and water in general......our struggle right now is keeping him out of the dog and cat water!  He makes all kinds of sounds and understands some sign language but doesn't sign yet.  (For example, if I sign "eat" and he is hungry he will start crawling to me as fast as he can while licking his lips and fussing) He is working on his 4th tooth (3 on the bottom and 1 on top).  He enjoys observing and playing with the other two boys I care for during the day (another 9 month old and a 4 year old) and is ecstatic when daddy gets home.  He would rather play with things around the house versus toys.  For example, right now he enjoys sticking canning rings on things and putting items in cups and shaking them.  Also pots and pans of course!  He does like the large knob puzzles and has started putting the circle piece from the shape puzzle back in its place!  He still really enjoys being outside, when it is warm enough!  He explores the ice and snow and doesn't mind being geared up or having mittens on.  He knows the sound of FaceTime and enjoys talking with family and friends in Iowa although he doesn't sit still for long anymore!  He still likes being read to and can turn the pages.  To my surprise, he hasn't played with the Christmas tree, presents, or ornaments very much.  He was sleeping through the night but now is waking up once or twice since the teeth started coming in again.  He does not usually like having his diaper changed and it's like wrestling an alligator to get him changed!  He is 80% for weight and 90% for height.  Aaaaaaand.....I could go on and on about this boy!  He amazes us each day!     
Up the mountain we went! 
 The kid loves nature-- fascinated by leaves, grass, flowers, snow, ice, etc!

 7 months!
 Grandma Kucera came to visit and help out while Adam was gone to Kodiak for his two-week hunting trip.  WE LOVED HAVING HER HERE!
 Adam got back early so we all got to enjoy a hike at Eklutna together!
 Mom did great for a flat-lander! We started near the lake.
 The next weekend we did the same hike.... in the snow! :)
 The picture our friend's father snapped of Ashton when we stopped for a quick visit.  He was/is a photographer and has taken some amazing photos of Ashton for us. Our gerber baby!
 Tundra and Ashton eager for the fresh snow!
 Sunrise view from our living room window
 Family costume for handing out candy! 
 Our babies..... this just randomly happened! HA
 Tundra kinda likes him, especially now that he is eating solids and getting the leftovers or whatever Ashton drops for him!
 Crazy boy-- pants off, 1 sock off, yelling and having a ball with his stuffed animals!
 Food prep for Ashton!  I make his food and actually enjoy doing so :)  Like I said, our Alaskan boy likes his Alaskan meat meals!
 Ashton trying to figure out his crazy uncles on FaceTime!  HAHAHAAAAA
 "plucking a turkey" was one of the 9 month old's activities during Thanksgiving week.  I plan activities for them and the 4 year old for all developmental domains each week...... we have a lot of fun while exploring and learning!
 Turning Tundra into a turkey!

 Ashton's first ice fishing experience!  ...........didn't go so well.  It was a rare crabby day for him (teeth) and super cold out.  He didn't like the ice hut either.  Will try again!
 Daddy's fishing buddy
So Adam does "Sunday Selfies" each week and posts to Facebook.  They are great and soooo many people have expressed how they look forward to them.  Adam was growing a mustache for no-shave Movember and did this one week!
 Faint Northern Lights from our back deck!
 Some swirls!  If you can't seem them, tilt your screen or adjust your view point a bit.

 8 months old!

 9 months old!

 Wasn't sure what to think of Santa!  Didn't cry, but also didn't smile!
 Found what he wants for Christmas!  So serious!

 Our handsome lil man!
 GAH!  Just the cutest!
 sled ride!
Our friends Erin and Shawn just bought a cabin and invited us for the weekend for skiing and fishing.  We borrowed their chariot to take Ash for a ski in -8 temps! 
Don't mind the purple blanket!  He fell asleep right away!
The only fish caught, it was too cold to fish for long
Ashton's camping highchair! 
Tired baby after a fun weekend!  The first time he has fallen asleep in the highchair!

Next up- a trip back to Iowa for Christmas and New Years!  More local adventuring, Ashton's birthday, and a trip to Hawaii! :) 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

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