Monday, April 11, 2016

Ashton Daniel- Our Biggest Adventure Yet!

WOW-- we had a baby!  Everyone told me time would fly and how he would grow and change so quickly, but my goodness, this is crazy!  He is almost 3 months old already! 

We have hundreds of pictures of him, so I limited myself to a few pictures from the camera for this post!  I could also write pages and pages on the past 3 months but here's a brief update...

-He was born on February 26 by emergency C-section.  Nothing on our birth plan was followed and since I was determined to have a natural birth, it was quite upsetting to have a C-section.  BUT of course of course of course we were overjoyed to have a healthy baby boy and so fortunate that everything went well and we were able to take him home 3 days later!  He was breech, they were going to try to turn him even though my water had already broke, but he poo-pooed in my uterus and his heart rate dropped.  Adam watched the procedure!

-Adam had 10 day of paternity leave which was the most precious time we have ever spent together :)

-Gpa and Gma Kucera came up to meet the lil guy at 3 weeks!

-Adam went on a 3 day fishing trip with a buddy to our annual ice fishing spot to catch some burbot for our annual culdesac fish fry.  Ashton gave me a 24 hour fussy session scare during this time, I thought we were in for it with him!

-Grandma Jeanette was scheduled and booked to come up at week 6 to take care of him for 2 weeks wen I went back to work.  Since I had a C-section, I then had 8 weeks of maternity leave so we all got to hang out together!  He gave us his first legit smile!  Heart melted!

-Adam went on a 12 day Kodiak brown bear hunt with a buddy.  We didn't have any contact with him while he was hunting (he had a satellite phone for calling OUT in an emergency).  His buddy got a bear! He will write up one of his detailed entries on this hunt soon!

-Grandma Gayle came up at week 8 to take over for 3 weeks while I was working

-Grandpa Dennis came up for the last 2 weeks of school (1 week overlap with Grandma)  That same night he arrived, Ashton giggled for the first time and it was of course at Grandpa!

-The three of us and Grandpa head back to Iowa tomorrow night for a wedding and family time! 

-Ashton latched for breastfeeding almost right away and he loves to eat..... he is a BIG boy!  97 percentile for height of course!  The doctor called him a "beast"  :)  :)  He does not care for a paci and will only take it occasionally, he now prefers his fist!  He peed on daddy the first time he changed him and still gets us sometimes!  He poops--- a lot and has even woke himself and me up with his blowout sounds!  He sleeps very well, 6 hour spans!  He gets hot very easy and is definitely an AK baby, when the house hits 72 degrees he starts sweating.  He likes to be outside for walks or just hanging out in the culdesac.  Tundra does well with him but is a bit bored, I'm sure it will be better once he is mobile and feeding him food!  He was alert from the start and was awake/looking around for several hours right after he was born! 

8lbs 3oz, 21 inches long!

One of the few times he stayed swaddled!  He likes to have his arms free

This rocking chair was my mom's mom's!

1 month!!

Our friend's father is a photographer and snaps some amazing photos of him!!

2 months!!

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