Sunday, November 15, 2015

Life is already changing!

 It has been awhile since the last post because we really haven't been on many adventures!  There is suddenly a lot to do before the arrival of this baby!  Life has already changed!  The weekends have been made up of making trips to different stores to compare options and prices for what started out as new vinyl panel flooring and then changed to new carpet.  Researching and making decisions on which baby gear to register for or buy.  Adam hiring a couple guys to build a custom shed in our backyard for more storage.  Researching and making lists of things to do in order to open an in-home childcare business next fall.  Yep- the plan as of now is for me to stay home with the baby and open licensed childcare!  Adam ripped out the carpet of our guest room and put down vinyl tiles in preparation of using it for the childcare business. 

Also, although I actually have a balance of boys and girls in my preschool class this year and they are by far the most behaved group of kids I have had in my 7 years of teaching, the beginning of this year has been the most stressful, busy, and frustrating!  Teachers just keep getting more and more responsibilities and requirements added to our plates and nothing is ever taken away.  I see amazing teachers getting burnt out all the time.  I have so much more to say about this but will hold my tongue!  All that I ask is that you say two simple words to a teacher, "Thank you".  I am also continuing to tutor our neighbor girl twice a week.  Adam's job has slowed down a bit now that the surveyors have come and gone, but he is keeping busy with his second app- HappenShare.  I will let him tell you more! 

We have gone out duck hunting a couple times, but we came home without ducks and without pictures. :(   Adam has started playing basketball two nights a week again----except that a couple weeks ago some dude(that was actually taller than Adam!) elbowed him so hard that he broke his rib!  Adam has been on the mend but is frustrated it is taking longer than expected, probably because he is catching couches out of windows and carrying rolls of carpet! :) 

Tundra just turned 5 years old!

Another point to make about less adventuring is the limbo between seasons-- we have ice, just waiting on snow!  We are in a cold spell, temp today at our house was just above 0 degrees.  It gets dark about 4:30.

I know Adam already wrote about his hunt and posted pictures of his moose hunt in the last post.  I just wanted to post it again because of how thankful we are for the opportunity, the success, and the meat in the freezer.

 The view from my trail run. Eagle River. 
 Tundra was very happy to be chasing the ball in this open field. I think he is smiling!
 We didn't have a Halloween party this year since projects were taking over our house, but we did dress up to hand out candy! (or should say "threesome!?")
 Baby Harris is healthy, active, and photogenic!  We stayed an extra hour at our anatomy ultra sound since the baby was providing such great images.  A college student was practicing measuring and learning from our sweet and big baby!  (measuring a week ahead)  It was difficult to look away when they were measuring in the genital region, Adam was about to throw a fit!
 This is the most recent picture, I need to take another on Monday when I am 25 weeks.  This photo was from 22 weeks.  Feeling the baby moving has been the most amazing experience!  And my goodness he/she sure is active and strong!
 That is a couch coming out our window..... and our neighbor's head peaking under it!  This foldout couch has been a pain in the booty!  We originally put it through the window because even when taken apart, it would not maneuver the hallway and doorway to our office.  Sooooo.... now that we are getting the baby room ready, it had to come back out the window!
 Adam standing on top of a UHaul truck, "catching" the couch!
 Our neighbor JoAnne holding it from the inside!
 Dave and Jo lowering it to Adam below.  We are so grateful and thankful to them for spending their time helping us get the truck backed into our front yard (the tires were crap!  It took boards, sticks, and pushing to get it in place!) AND then helping us to move the couch out the upper level window and back in the lower level.
 Went on a nice afternoon hike with Erin, Shawn, Ellie and the pups!  Beautiful views as always! 
 Sunset hike!
 The custom 10X20 shed Adam had built in our backyard for storage.
 A black bear was hanging on this wall, but this is the only place the brown bear would fit so we had to swap them out.  The brown bear is still a little too big and the paws have to reach the the connecting wall!

The couch in its new home- the downstairs guest room/sleeping room for the childcare business.  Adam tore out the carpet and stained/put in new trim.  The room isn't finished, but wanted those of you who have stayed in the room to see the changes! 

Maybe the next post will be more exciting!  We hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving! 

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