Friday, June 19, 2015

Flying out Tonight!

 Just wanted to upload a few more photos before our trip to Sanibel!

.................Unfortunately, it is extremely dry and hot around us right now.  There were two forest fires started last weekend by people being stupid-- thousands of acres and numerous homes have burned.  Willow has a lot of mushers and of course sled dogs that live around it-- all had to be evacuated and a lot of their places are destroyed.  More fires were started by lightening this week(which is so ironic because we hardly EVER get thunder/lightening)- in fact, I just read on Anchorage Daily News that 56 fires are currently burning.  Some thousands of acres.  Please pray for the firefighters, the people who have been evacuated, the people who have lost their homes, the pets, and the wildlife.  Please pray for rain!  I was thinking we were out of danger for forest fires due to the two weeks of rain we had, but apparently our ground was so dry from lack of snow this winter that it all just ran off. :(

 Hiking with Jordan- starting off Upper DeArmoun (I think!)  5.5 miles that day!

 Started raining right when we shut our car doors!

 Mile Hi hike- looking over at Baldy
 The next picture will be a close up on this one-- this is taken from the saddle of Mile Hi, there is quite a bit more to climb!
 Check out these tough Alaskan mamas!  Each one had a baby/toddler on their chest or back and there were 3 preschool aged kiddos hiking along!  I LOVE this! 
 view of north and south fork from the saddle

Adam and I celebrated SIX YEARS of marriage!  I was shocked when he pulled out these Big Turks for me!  I use to get this in Canada when we visited my Aunt Robin/Uncle Mike in International Falls, MN and would cross the border. MY FAVORITE!  He ordered them for me! 
 A hike with the hubby-- at the end of Highland Rd.  Waaaay off in the distance, you can see Mount Gordon Lyon, which I posted a hike of last time.  The next two pictures are zoomed in...
 The middle mountain peak
 You can kind of see the little divot out of the peak.  When you get to the top you have to go back down several feet and then back up again.

 to the right are the lakes-- Symphany and Eagle

 On top of the world!
 North Fork Eagle River in front of us
 South Fork Eagle River behind us
 Our mountain goat
 mountain goat Tundy in the middle
 An eagle was soaring above us-- kept getting closer and closer with each pass!  I think he was taking a good look at Tundra!

 Can't believe we have been married for 6 years!  Time sure flies when you're having fun!
 Anchorage in the far distance
 A bit hazy from the forest fire that had started up north that day

 yep- we climbed that!
 From the road to the point above my finger and back in 3 hours--- butts.were.kicked!  Hiked the 3 little "hills" up the ridge
 Jordan and I trying out the Russian River for reds!  Jordan's first time!  She had SO MANY hook ups but we never got one landed.  She did great!  I had lots of hook ups and SHOULD have had my limit of 3, but lost one at the bank.  Cleaned only two that day :(  But it was still a blast!  The video below is of the Russian River Falls, which Adam and I have wrote about at least once, if not more before on the blog.  2 Mile hike in from the parking lot to the falls in Cooper Landing
First red fillets of the season! 

BORE TIDE! There was a guy surfing on it when we pulled up.  (A tidal bore, often simply given as bore in context,[1] is a tidal phenomenon in which the leading edge of the incoming tide forms a wave (or waves) of water that travels up a river or narrow bay against the direction of the river or bay's current)

Checkout all of the salmon pooled up at the bottom of the falls, waiting their turn to start the journey up! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING that they can jump up this-- seems impossible!  I have yet to see any bears "fishing" in the pond at the bottom.  We didn't see any bears the day we were there, but were told there was a black bear that showed up twice the day before.  This river is NOT very wide, probably best we didn't run into any!

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