Wednesday, March 12, 2014

2 more weekends of adventure

 Happy March!  I can't believe how fast this school year is flying by! 

We went on a ride with the Anchorage Snowmachine Club.  There were 19 of us altogether.  We rode around 40 miles out to Nelchina Glacier.  The ride started out foggy and then the sun burned through to a gorgeous day!

 We had the fresh "pow" AKA powder to ourselves--- people were having the best rides of the season in 4 feet of powder!...... I am a rookie and a light weight when it comes to shifting weight on the machine for turning, soooooooooooo I got stuck 3 times!  It was a great learning experience!

 cool part of the glacier
 our stop for lunch
 absolutely amazing!  ice crystals

 some people didn't even take a break for lunch-- all of these fresh tracks were ours!!
 A group headed up to the glacier
 Some people felt prepared enough/brave/I don't know what to call it to ride up on the glacier.
No thanks for us, too many people have fallen through crevasses-- including a 9 year old boy last winter
 Adam checking out the airplane wreckage
 On our way back home, I had just told Adam how I hate driving on this road because I feel like rocks are going to tumble down on us.  Adam said something about not worrying so much.  AND THEN-- we drove up and were stopped by this large rock that fell into the road! 
 A cliff with tumbling rocks to the right and a steep cliff to the valley below on the left--- no guard rails.  UGH

On to the next adventure---- up north again to Crosswinds lake for a long family weekend.
 We saw three caribou cross the road in front of us--- can't really see them in this photo though :(
 We rode our machines in 23 miles to a cabin on Crosswinds lake.  This is Adam setting up for some ice fishing!

 This lake is huge--- 8 miles across!  This is a picture from our lake trout spot, toward our cabin.
 And this picture is toward the other side of the lake where the trail meets up.  On our way out, we rode through a crazy windstorm.  I felt like I was going to be picked up in the air- machine and all!  At times I could barely see Adam in front of me!  Looks and felt like Iowa at those moments!
 Tundra thinking-- what the heck is daddy doing?!?!?
 Making a snow angel of course!!!!!!!!!!

 Tundy was warming up his paws by sitting on Adam!  :)

 Then he took his spoiledness a little too far and played "King of daddy"

 Adam called this our fish wagon! 
 We caught 0 lake trout and 14 burbot over the weekend.  Adam came up with a great plan, we will have a fish fry for our culdesac/neighbors when the weather warms up a bit. 
 Proud pup!
 Lots of yummy fish!
 And 1 grouse!  Last year when we came to this cabin, there were a few grouse hanging around but we didn't have a bird gun.  So this year we brought the 22.  There were tracks, poo, and signs of grouse everywhere but we didn't see one, uuuuuuuunnnnnnnntil the very last hour we were there.  Adam was sitting in the outhouse doing his thing (an outhouse without a door) and he heard a grouse fly over, they have a distinct sound.  So then he kept listening and heard one eating, again, a distinct sound.  We would've never known it was around if he didn't have to go potty!  So we had fresh grouse last night! :)

Tundra with his coat and DOGGLES on!  tehe!  He is not a fan of the goggles, but they sure help when he rides on the machine, especially in that wind storm!  He prefers to jog along beside us, but does well riding too when we go on longer trips.  On the way out we came across three more caribou on the trail. 

Another fun and successful trip in the books.  We feel so, so, soooooo blessed and thank God every day for the opportunities and adventures we have experienced.  Who would've known what the future held that day I met my college roommate's friend who was "so handsome with a great smile....... and of course SO TALL"  ;) ;)

In other news.....
-We are continuing to watch the Prairie Lakes service online and are growing in our faith and marriage.   :)
-Adam is going back to Missouri this Thursday to go spoonbilling with his family!
-I am on Spring Break, 1 week short of spoonbilling season:( 
-We didn't draw any of the hunting tags we put in for next fall :( bummmmmmer.  However we will still hunt for spring black bear and Adam will go on a sheep hunt in August.
**For those of you who know my parent's house, please pray for a calm spring WITHOUT any flooding!  They were hit hard last year (well the last couple years) and deserve a break! 
**Our nieces and nephew are growing up WAY TOO FAST!  Kane and Emma will be in KINDERGARTEN next year!  Annie is still spunky and so sweet!  Heidi's volleyball team has been kickin booty and are undefeated!  Breanna and Shanin are what Deanna says, "chomping at the bit" to be riding and are looking forward to better weather!  Brooklyn is playing basketball and is still a goofball!  AND SYDNEY--- is quite the young lady.  She has a boyfriend that our family really likes and he passed my test.  Her dad even likes him;)  She has started track and is thinking about trying 400s and 800s this year.  I can't wait to spend time with all of them this summer!  ****We also have twins- a niece and a nephew on the way!  Adam's sister, Kati, is getting married in May and a surrogate is carrying the babies and due in July!

We hope all is well with each and every one of you that read this.  And that where ever you are, the weather is cooperating (yeah right) and you are living life to the fullest!  TAKE CARE!

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