Tuesday, June 25, 2013

old winter photos, King Fishing, Kucera parent visit

Happy summer ya'll!!!  Wish I could swap the rainy and hot weather between Alaska and Iowa for awhile-- that's the way it goes eh??!?

Here are some winter pics that I forgot to upload from our second camera....
Tundy loving the snow!
 LYNX!!!  wrong camera for a good pic-- of course!
 our lil mountain goat!
 snowboarding--- hiking uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup

 The sleeping lady in the background
 weird-- these pics kinda make be miss the snow ... ?!?!?!

The following photos are from around our neighborhood....
a black bear track on the trail across the river
 mooser in our neighbor's yard- pic taken from our deck
 vroom vrooooooooooooooom!
 73 degrees= SWIMMING!
 pups on top of the world... or mount Baldy!

bday present for our neighbor boy--- he was begging to spray paint something and really wanted a skateboard= "this is the best day ever!"
 the local Eagle River beaver!

Now on to King Salmon (Chinook) fishing........it has been a bad run the past two years
my 1 and only king this year (allowed two per season on this river)

 netting some hooligan to try frying and for bait
 Shawn's full net!  We somehow found this hooligan haven by chance!
 they were everywhere!
 tired pup!... and bored- waiting for a fish to be caught!
 my hansome hubby
 chena enjoying the boat ride!
 Denali to the right in the distance
 closer pic- Denali on the right

okay on to King Fishing w/ mom and dad Kucera...
my fur baby!
 our campsite for a few days
 Adam's king
 our boat dog!
 I caught a ..... clam?!!??!

 campfire popcorn-- it worked!!!!
 mosquitos were terrible!..... repellant is out EVERYWHERE, as well as fans.  The weather and skeeters have been unusal so fans and spray are like gold.  I managed to find a jackpot and was a lil scared, fearing a mugging of bug spray when walking 12 cans to my truck!!!

our ride..... Dad has the itch to fly again!
 a drooling dad!
 just a passenger... for now!
 Eagle River
 our culdesac!
 quite a different perspective up here!
 mountains forever!

 untouched snow

 looked like frosting or whipped cream
 i think this is george glacier
 knik glacier!- we've seen it from 4-wheelers and a plane now!

 mooser in the water--- we saw 8 standing in water, poor things were so hot!

my bday dinner at Kobe
 bad pic-- but a great dinner w/ awesome peeps!
 fishing for reds

 mama's red (sockeye)

Next up-- 4-wheeling Eklutna Lake....
black bear munchin on greens
 Tundy, Adam and I on "Ruby" and Mom and Dad on "Kody"

 lucky dad-- got to see yet another plane take off, this one with tundra tires!

 lunch time
 grrrr pics don't do it justice-- beautiful waterfall

The view while fishing the Deshka--- this is why Dad liked the river yet didn't catch any fish!

hope all is well--- call, text, email, write- keep us updated as well!  LOVES