Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Harris Visit

Mom and Dad Harris visited us for a week in early June... check it out

 This is their view from the airplane coming in to Anchorage.  When they left Minneapolis it was dark and slowly the sunlight began to appear, arriving in Anchorage at "sunset"(1 a.m.)... weird huh?!?!
 Jeanette took this of Adam, Tundra, and me going through a neighborhood underground tunnel
 Our 4-wheelers in front of the glacier(s)..... an airplane overhead.  We heard it fire up and ran to watch it take off but were just a few seconds too late!
Me sitting in front of the glacier
 We went panning for gold!  No luck, but a lot of fun!
 Being silly to cheer ourselves up after not hitting the jack pot!
 My cute lil family!
A bore tide!!!!
Looky what we found! :)  yum yum... merrels!

 Enjoying the campfire!
 The view from our campsite
All of the boats we battled with for Kings!
 One tired pup!
 Adam's massive King!
 A float plane taking off right next to us... quite the experience!
MMM...merrels over the camp fire!
 MMMMM... tundra found some moose bones!
 Yes... it was OF COURSE raining when we went camping and poured on us the last day while tearing down camp.  Airing out/drying EVERYTHING!
 A photo session with our tired puppy.... Tundra dressed as me!
 Tundra as Jeanette!
 Tundra as Adam!... he didn't even budge!
And.....we were zonked too!!! Adam, Kevin, and I sleeping by the fire.  I believe Tundra is laying behind me!
 A day's catch.... some "jacks"..... small Kings.  We took what we could get this day!
 Kevin's nice King!
 At Bear's Tooth.... dinner, drinks, and a movie!
Tundra's new watch spot.... always checking on the neighborhood!
 A comparison of the previous blog entry's wolf track... this is Tundra's track-  Keep in mind he has VERY LARGE paws and the wolf's make hsis look like a puppy!
 Some goodies we found hiking up a mountain one day
 The view at the top of the mountain... can barely see the dogs!
Jeanette getting pics of the cow and her twin calves in the green belt
 Jeanette and Kevin in front of our trek to the glacier
 Jeanette and Kevin crossing some water!
 The crew having a beverage while enjoying the view!
 Kevin checking out the ice chunks
The cow and calvy along the 4-wheel trail
 Another moose we scared up on the trail... the young dummy kept running right in front of us!
 The hand tram out of Girdwood..... currently out of service :(
 The otherside... the handtram crosses a rushing river!
Our beautiful campsite on the Deshka... well the Big Su actually

 Adam being silly while playing the card game, "Up the River and Back"..... his classic mosquito impersonation!
 Again... a tired puppy!
 Jeanette and I took Tundra for a walk along the river by our house... we spotted the cow and twins that were in our yard the night before.... going for a swim lesson!
 So cute!
I was impressed... they were pretty good swimmers!

Next blog will be pics from my trip back to Iowa and ADAM'S massive 2012 black bear!!!
Brandon and Deanna are arriving in Anchorage in 6 hours! :) :)


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