Monday, February 20, 2012

More winter fun

Danielle here..... just adding a few more pics
Cupcakes my class made for one of their whole class rewards for hallway and specials class behavior. Instead of frosting, they voted on things to put in the cupcake. Sprinkles, chocolate chips, vanilla chips, and strawberries!

Tundra and his valentine's day present--- that was torn apart in less than 30 minutes! :)

Shawn and Erin were in the lead for our weekend snowmachine/ice-fishing/cabin adventure. We left Friday night on a 7 mile snowmachine ride into a cabin. We put headlamps/glowsticks on the dogs since it was dark and took breaks along the way to let them rest. The funny thing is that we went about 7 miles an hour for the dogs and every time we stopped to let them rest they would keep running around and playing. They did really well and LOVED it! When fishing, we had 3 pike on the line and got one in.

There were lots of snowmachines and some dog mushers on the trails.

Great snowmachine and ice-fishing companions!

Snow angel for mama Harris

Adam reeling in a pike

I am mimicking the mountain behind me.... "Sleeping Lady"

That's all for now.... more to come soon! We have another adventure next weekend! :)...OH, OH--- some old videos that never got posted

This is the one Adam meant to post from Puerto Vallarta--- the little roper

This is Tundra's reaction every time one of us gets home... he is very vocal!

Some bear tracks Tundra and I came across on a hike..... the most bear tracks in one spot I have ever seen!

Tundra opening a Christmas present-- he got a new "Foxy" and a giant bone for Christmas. It was so much fun watching him.... hence all of my giggling on the video!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Winter Pics

okay, okay, here we go....
This is when Adam went ice-fishing with a buddy from work and his son. I think the story was... they were playing "baseball" with parts of frozen fish. HMMMMMmmmm.....

(ADAM EDIT - This is Wilbur's son trying to hit the frozen fish we found with a pole from the ice shanty. He made a little contact, but I got a try after this. I SMOKED the fish and it exploded everywhere and actually hit Wilbur [the pitcher] in the back of the head)
The catch of the day- Northern Pike.
I am just narrating-- I don't know why Adam thought this was a good photo to share. Sorry. It's probably the result of "baseball"

(Adam EDIT - it is the after math of my swing)

view of a tip-up--- or the fishing pole with the lake and mountains in the background. The "reel" is actually under water in the ice hole. When a fish bites, it triggers the flag to pop up. Then the hard part begins... I have yet to get a darn pike through the hole! Adam and I went on Saturday and got 2 of the 6 that we had on.
Tundra with his new booties and hiking pack to keep him warm!
Adam and his buddy with their delicious catch! Our friends, the Nabers, and us at Hatcher's pass. We spent the day outside--- cross country skiied up to the old mine, then boarded/skiied off the road run. Which means 3 of us would ride down the mountain and the other person would pick us up in the truck and take us back to the top. When we left Eagle River it was -28 degrees, we expected it to be colder at Hatchers but it was amazingly 2 degree above! :)
Tundra and Chena love going with us-- they are really fast and keep up pretty well! another view
On the groomed trail up to the mines
another gorgeous sight

Actually a pretty boring video- the wobbly one is me. I haven't downhill skiied forever and it is extra difficult in XC skiis. You can't really tell, but we are on a decline! :)

(ADAM EDIT - I agree with the boring factor. I just needed a video to add. Too bad we didn't get a video of me going down this hill because my hands were flailing like a helicopter the entire way down and I bit it HARD at the bottom)