Sunday, May 8, 2011

Winter is finally over!!

The two things that mark the end of winter is not the melting of the snow or the slightly warmer temperatures or the dates... it's mosquito's and the awakening of the bears! There is still plenty of snow in the mountain areas and temperature has yet to breach 60. With that said, it has gotten warm enough for both the mosquitoes and bear to wake up.

With the awakening of the bears comes good bear hunting opportunities. The brown bears are the first up waking up early to mid April. The black bears soon follow during early May and up until June depending on where they were hibernating. The meat and hides of spring bear are fresh and sought after by many.

The last weekend of April a guy in the pharmacy asked me if I wanted to tag along on a hunt in Prince William Sound (a series of bays off the Gulf of Alaska). We only went out for 2 days and 1 night, but it was a good time. The other two guys that went were very interesting and fairly unorthodox in their hunting strategy. I won't go into detail about them but I would have much rather expereinced this trip with some closer friends... good thing my pharmacy buddy was there. One of the guys flew up from the states and spent a fortune on the possibility of getting a bear. Well, he wasn't disappointed, but he did drop one of the smallest bears I have seen in a while. Enjoy!!
First fish of the season... a flounder
Not sure what this fish is called, some kind of cod


Rock bass

An eagle fishing

Our portable motel and fishing/ killing transport

Black bear down!

First picture with the trophy

SHRIMP!!! We didn't catch many, but it was interesting learning about potting these guys (and they tasted AMAZING)

A zebra... no, a starfish silly

An unknown fish... Wilbur has never caught one of these before

Either he just got goosed or he is confused on what the heck is on his line

Rock fish

Biggest fish of the weekend

Our scenery

This is a long video, but it show you how we shrimp. It takes so long to bring the rope up because it is 600 ft deep!

What happens once you catch the shrimp... minus the eating part.

We were headed to pick up our pots, but got distracted.

A rare group of sealions. We have no idea what they were doing.

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