Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!

We hope everyone had Happy Holidays!! We sure did, we were back in Iowa for Christmas and New Years. Wow- is it really 2011?!?!? We enjoyed decorating our house for Christmas this year.... Santa Mama enjoyed it too! :)
We had a clear view of the lunar eclipse!!!
Pretty cool eh!?!?
This is Ariel.... my parents just got her. Just so happens she was my horse's philly 10 years ago. She looks just like Gibby... except for the stark black color versus the red of Gib! Acts like her too! :)
Adam cuddling with my Sadie Badie
Visiting Gma K!! She is such a silly lady!
My parent's house on Christmas Eve.... girls and pillow pets EVERYWHERE! :) Love it!
Meet our boy... Tundra! What a monster he is! But oh so cute!
Adam and goof-ball Emma reading a story!
Tundra was buddies with Charlie at Kevin and Jeanette's house!
And best pals with Gunner at my mom and dad's house!
My whole family went sledding, it was a blast. Here is Syd surf/snowboarding!
The adults had just as much fun, Deanna and Dad sledding!
Emma and Kane got to play together on New Years. THEY HAD SOOOO MUCH FUN! In fact, they were determined to be the last ones up, it was a fight to get them to sleep! They are pals!
The whole gang at my parent's house for New Years. We ate and drank too much. Played a dancing game on Wii and played games at the kitchen table. Had a great time, so much in fact, that we missed the ball drop!! :)
Tundra's favorite place to sleep... IN Adam's shoes!
OH- here is mom and dad playing the Wii, Dance game! Everyone had a turn..... Heidi was beating all of us!
Adam romping with Gunner and my brother's dog, Sootie!
Kane and Tundra after the cat. The poor thing hid under the bed most of the time these two were around!
Well the first part of December was full of house projects and preparing for the pup. Adam finished the dog room, we tore out the carpet, prepped the floor, and Adam laid the vinyl. He also did some home efficiency work.... sealing. We are participating in the home efficiency program.....Adam has been busy with that!
We also had a ski weekend at Alyeska with a few friends. We stayed both Friday and Saturday nights, snowboarded on Saturday and Sunday. We had soooooo much fun that I forgot to take pictures. Well I took a few on Adam's camera, so I will have to upload those later. The view from the top of the mountain is absolutely breaktaking on a clear day, it overlooks the Turnagain Arm!!
We were in Iowa over winter break, spent a lot of much-needed time with family and friends. You saw some of the pictures! A big event was getting our puppppppyyyyyyyyyyy! Tundra is one heck of a pup, doing great overall and too stinkin cute! He is a bit of a chewer-including people's hands, but knew better with the kids. He got along great with the dogs at both houses, his energy was a tad annoying for the older dogs! He did really well with accidents.... until we got home (he happens to be an escape artist and had nasty diahrea on an escape day!) I dreaded the plane ride back for days and days... we had two brief layovers (like almost miss the flight- brief) which meant 3 planes...... with a pup on board. He was bigger than we had expected, but still fit in his carry-on bag. HE WAS AWESOME--- he slept most of the time and wined very little! We were pleasantly surprised! At home he has slept all night. Like I said, besides escaping the dog room a couple times and the one pooping disaster- he has been perfect! Angel does very well with him, it's Tundra that needs to chill a bit so he doesn't maul her every time! Tundra and Chena are the best of friends already, they play non-stop!!! He also loves the snow, he will be the perfect Alaskan dog!
We have noticed quite a few shows on Alaska lately. Of course... "Sarah Palin's Alaska"!! There is a new season of "Alaska State Troopers". We also saw one called, "Moose on the Loose"- about urban moose in Anchorage. An "Alaska Wildlife Troopers"or something like that...very interesting. I guess there is a new one on bush pilots. "River Monsters" was in Alaska on the last show- he caught his first salmon EVER and it was taken by a grizzly bear-- which was just wonderful, he taught that bear that people will give it food! We enjoy watching them!
That's all for now. OH-- I posted and update that was clear back from October.... I guess I forgot to click post. Anyway-- you have to look back, but check it out, it has a couple videos. One from the Denali park road and one of salmon in the river.

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