Monday, November 1, 2010

Busy Busy Busy (nothing new to us)

Well October is wrapped up and we have a couple inches of snow on the ground. There really isn't too much of a fall here, seems to just go straight into winter. No worries tho, there is plenty to do here in the winter and the snow/ice makes everything look BEAUTIFUL. We will have snow on the ground for the next 6-7 months now.

I went moose hunting last week for a couple days. I was lucky enough to receive a tag to hunt the upper creek area of a valley just over the mountain from our house. The tag is for any bull moose in the valley. Unfortunately I did not see any bulls, just a couple cows. The area is actually really tough to hunt with most hunters dropping a moose if they are 10-15 miles in (with the only way to get in and pack the meat out being by horse). Seeing that we don't have horses, my chances of getting a moose were slim to none... but I know Danielle would not be against getting a couple horses! Anyway, the tag is good for the next month, until the alloted number of bulls are dropped. I might head back out a couple more times this upcoming weekend, we'll see. It's pretty nasty and cold being halfway up a mountain scouting a valley while snow and wind are pelting you.

Halloween was a fun time. I was Napoleon Dynamite and Danielle was Deb. We had trick or treaters last night and as you can imagine, they have to really bundle up tight!

I tried to put the studded tires on my car this weekend, but it turns out when the dealer rotated them last, they somehow wedged them on in such a way that they are impossible to get off with the simple tools that are provider for changing a tire on the side of the road. I need to get those puppies on ASAP as the roads seem to be icy every morning.

We continue to do P90X every morning at about 4:15AM. It's hard getting up to workout, but this way it works out for both of our schedules and we don't have to worry about working out later in the day. I thought this program was going to be just a fad sorta thing, but it is for real. It pushes you hard and if you follow it to a T (or even fudge in some areas), you will definitely get results! I recommend it to anyone that wants to get in shape, get big, or loose weight and doesn't want to go to the gym. The longest workout is about 90 minutes, and they average about 75 minutes. The commitment is 12 weeks, working out 6 days a week. Check it out! (Oh, and if you do decide to buy it, let me know, because ebay is the way to go for the DVD collection and most things you need to get for the program)

We had our house energy rated. It came back as 3.5 stars. We did this because we were accepted into an energy efficiency program which reimburses you a substantial amount of money for increasing the energy efficiency of your home and reducing your carbon footprint. In addition, there are federal tax credits being offered until the end of this year for energy efficiency improvements as well. We are going to try and double dip into these incentives and that means we will be busy until the end of December.

We still haven't finished the minor cosmetic things we want to do with the inside of the house (i.e. painting, decorating, small touch-ups, etc.) This also needs to get done ASAP because I just want to not worry about it anymore (and to make our house look nicer than it already is). A big thanks to Mom and Dad for helping us get a jump start on this as well.

We are very excited to come home over the holidays. It seems like it has been forever since we saw everyone. We get into Des Moines on December 23rd and come back on Jan 1st. The next time we will be back in Iowa after that is May. We arrive in Des Moines on May 20th and return to Anchorage on the 30th.

Recently Angel has been avoiding her litter box whatever reason. The workout room downstairs turned into her own potty ground. We took her to the vet multiple times and they determined that the reason she is doing this is behavioral. We ended up buying a black light to see how many times and where she went... needless to say, it was disgusting! No matter what we tried, she continued to go to poop and pee on the carpet in that room. We decided that since she only goes in this room, we would put up a doggy door to prevent her getting into this room. This was two days ago and it has worked beautifully. She no longer goes to the bathroom on that carpet because she can't get to it. She now uses her little box like she is supposed to. We think it had something to do with the last home owners and pet they had (territorial marking?). Regardless, the pee carpet isn't a huge deal to us because we were actually planning on ripping it up in that room and putting down some kind of hardwood/ vinyl floor.

Speaking of pets, Danielle and I have started looking for another addition to our family. We are looking for a puppy! As of right now, a Bernese Mountain Dog is a the top of our list, closely followed by a Malamute, Golden Retriever, and Lab.

Starting today, the hunting lottery application begins for Alaska. This goes for two months. It is the time frame hunters have to submit entries for desired species in desired locations and times. You are only allowed to apply for three different hunts per species, so a lot of research is required to determine what tags you want to apply for, with many of the local and good hunts having a draw success rate of 1%. It costs 5 bucks per entry, but if your name if drawn, you don't have to pay any additional fees. Hopefully we can get some red meat in the freezer next hunting season.

Well I ran out of things to write about. Have a great day! (Danielle will be adding pictures soon)

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