Thursday, September 9, 2010

Girl's Weekend X2 and Tyler's visit

hey everyone... here are pics from two girl's weekends and a few from when Tyler was visiting. I do not have pics from the boy's weekends.... but maybe we don't want to see those anyway!?!? I'll leave that up to Adam!

Angel-Mama sleepin w/ her new pink flamingo!
We had the gang over for dinner before the Mitchams left--- the military transfered them to Kentucky :( This was the best of 5 picture attempts--it was a fun but sad night.

A lil peek at the "road" you take back to Jim's Creek. It's not an official road. You are more likely to see 4-wheelers and mudding trucks on it than regular trucks (no cars!). At one point, you drive through a shallow part of the river. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!
Adam and Tyler as we made our way up Baldy Mountain in Eagle River. I was ahead of them most of the way up, but only because they were packing stuff up! Tyler had all of his camera equipment and Adam stuffed his hunting day-bag full of dirty laundry to get his body ready for the upcoming goat hunt!
We saw an airforce jet/plane drop parachuters!
Interesting photo-- Denali mountain in the backgroud, a wall of clouds, Knik Arm (water), and a personal plane.

We can see Anchorage from the top of Baldy. The sun was setting.
Absolutely gorgeous!
THOSE ARE MOSQUITOS swarming Adam! :) :) :) It's so strange... they are not vicious here, I have had probably a total of 10 bug bites from Alaskan mosquitos this summer. Must be all that moose and bear blood they get full on!
Anchorage all lit up. You can also see the Glenn Highway lights... the only road between Anchorage and Eagle River
FINALLY............... MY FIRST BULUGA WHALE SIGHTING!!!! There was a pod of about 30 swimming right along the shore!
They barely surface and just look like white blobs!
One off to the left, when zoomed in, you can see this one's eye!

Girl's weekend outta Seward. We took Kelly's boat out on the ocean for a GORGEOUS day of fishing! The first silver salmon catch went to Erin!! (pretty big fish 'eh?!?)

The other three girls- Kelly, Kim, and Erin
Kimmy's silver salmon! (she is a crazy-good fisherwoman and doesn't even eat salmon!)
Erin's yellow-eye rock fish! AMAZING!!! The rock fish are down so deep that when you reel them up, they burp/vomit up something from inside. (I don't remember what it is.. an air bag!??!) These fish are totally new to us and I can't wait to learn more and catch one!
Sitting round the fire with our massive hotel-tent in the background!
Tyler and Adam fishing at Jim's creek. Hard to see.... Knik Glacier is in the background
Tyler and I got groceries on base..... however, when trying to leave the parking lot- we were blocked in by military and police. Nobody could enter or leave the commissary parking lot. The car in front of us got searched but we were not told what the H*** was going on. ........after sitting for an hour, we decided to start eating the icecream since it was MELTING!! we searched the entire car for something to eat it with and right before we started to dig in with our fingers, I found a small sand shovel and a little scooper for Tyler. Best icecream ever... but our tummies started to hurt after eating 1/2 of it! .......OH- we sat in the parking lot for 2 hours until they finally started letting everyone out ONE entrance/exit. So we had to wait in line. No explanation at all--we'll never know!
Byron Glacier near Girdwood. Erin's sister was visiting for the week and we had another girl's weekend. We went to Hope for the weekend-stayed in a "hostel" AKA cabin. We were thankful to have a warm place to go after white-water rafting in the rain and freezing water. We also had a microwave so we didn't have to mess with cooking! :) We rafted, fished, and hiked over labor day weekend. We stopped at Byron Glacier on the way home. We found a couple Salmonberries- yum! We also sang/yelled for the entire 15 minute hike becuase fellow hikers (hiking out) had just seen a black bear on the trail. We didn't run into the little fella... I THINK he heard our singing.
Of course, Chena, went with us. She was completely tuckered after our busy days outdoors.
Smores in the microwave!
Chena going for a swim!
Erin's sister, Blayr, with her first salmon. This is a red, Sockeye, salmon at the end of its run. You saw pictures of fresh reds a couple blog entries back. They enter the fresh water looking normal and end up like this after they spawn and are dying off. Silver to red in color. They grow beaks and teeth.... it's crazy! These are no longer good to eat, but fun to catch!
You can see them in the water pretty easily when they are so bright red!
Us with our wet suits on in front of the rafts. WOW.. what an adventure! We wore these wet suits, life jackets, and helmets. We had to take a swim test by floating down the river and then swimming across the current at a certain point. The water was freezing... our hands were not covered and water went down my neck!
We did 3 canyons. The first 2 were pretty simple and class 2, 3 rapids. The third canyon was type 5 (the highest you can raft in). We had sooooooo much fun on the first two and did a great job paddling together so decided to go for the 3rd (we had already paid for it anyway!). The third canyon was pretty intense but awesome. At the VERY LAST paddle got stuck on a rock and I tumbled out- feet over my head- backwards. I came up right away and reached for paddles that Erin and our guide were sticking out to me, I grabbed one. He pulled me to the boat and then grabbed me by teh lifejacket and hoisted be over. It was pretty fun/funny afterward--- I was the only "swimmer" for the day, but it was pretty scary. The water pulls you all over, there are huge rocks everywhere(I have a sore hip from hitting one), and luckily-- I didn't come up under the raft. BUT IT WAS AWESOME and I'll totally do it again!
This is a very large bear track we came across while hiking on the Resurrection Trail (NOT as big as the one we came across right before dark on our spring hike up to Crescent Lake though!)
The biggest pile of bear poo evvvvvvvvvvvver!!! I thought for sure it was still warm and stuck my finger in it, but it was cold. My question was.... where did he/she get all those blueberries!?!?
Our cute lil hostel/cabin in Hope. Hope is itty-bitty with like 6 kids in their entire school. All of teh buildings are extremely old and cute. We went to the town bar one night and had a blast with the locals. Even though we were only there for an hour because we arrived at 10, not realizing it closed at 11!!!
Our leaves have been changing color-- the mountains are very colorful and beautiful. I have raked leaves in our year twice now. Temperature highs have been high 50s, low 60s. Jeanette and Grandma come to Alaska on Saturday for 10 days. We have our Denali trip next weekend... once in a life time tickets!!!! CAN'T WAIT!
ADam spent his weekend in Vegas! His buddy and best man, Kenny, got back from Afghanistan in May-- so they were celebrating, VEGAS STYLE!!! They had a great time... Adam is defintely exhausted and a little dehydrated!! A couple other guys from college went too, also some of Kenny's buddies who were in his platoon.
We had a moose calf in our neighborhood last night(1 block away).... I did all I could not to stop and gawk! I think I have finally passed the point of taking pictures of every single moose... although its hard!
Angel spends a lot of time outside. We keep a close eye on her though... there are bears in the neighborhood (we live right next to the actual river... Eagle River) although we haven't seen any yet. There are also plenty of eagles (imagine that!) I sure hope they woudln't swoop down and scoop her up, hopefully 15 pounds is too heavy!
An update on my favorite kiddos in the woooooooorld..... All of my Kucera girls are in school now. Syd is in 6th, Brooklyn is in 2nd, Shanin is in 1st, Heidi is in 1st, Breanna is in Kinder, and Annie is in preschool! AHHH they are growing up way tooooo fast! Kaners just had his tonsils removed and had to go back in for a second surgery because his throat started bleeding again. He is a tough lil guy though! He is talking A LOT and has the sweetest little voice! Emma enjoys going out to Grandma's garden EVERY day... she eats all the tomatoes before they get to the house!! I'm sure she is missing the garden now!
love you all
OH OH OH... videos!! enjoy! :)

Bulugas... in very close to shore. There was a pod of about 30. They were super cool, but they don't do much. You can see the sprays of water and occasionally one will surface but they just look like white blobs. We heard one make a "grunting" noise, but I didn't get it on video.

Two of the three times I have seen sea lions, they have been laying lazily on the rocks. It was neato to see them swimming around!

These are porpoise. They are VERY fast and VERY playful. They usually swim along boats but these guys didn't get very close to us.

HAIL in Alaska. Adam, Tyler, and I were going for a hike when it randomly started hailing on the mountain... which is very strange. No hike on the mountain that day! We drove out of the valley and found a flat trail to walk for awhile.

Check out all of the Reds (sockeye salmon). All salmon turn red but these are actually called reds. We heard gun shots two different times that day.... they did not sound like rifle, but hand gun. Which made us very curious! Also... there was a partially knawed on salmon under a tree near this fishin hole! the bears are picky and don't like the 1/2 dead salmon either, so it left it! :) OOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRR we scared it off!?!?

1 comment:

  1. Seeing your newest adventures makes me miss yo u SO MUCH MORE!! We still talk often about all the fun times we had with you and can't wait to come back!!!!
