Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fishing for Red (sockeye) Salmon!!

Oopsies... these pictures are in reverse order, but I don't have time to change them because we are packed up and leaving for Florida in an hour!! Speaking of..... this is Angel Mama, after she had a good moping session, she thought I'd take her if she just sat in my bag! TOO FUNNY!We were rafting the Kenai River... there were Eagles EVERYWHERE! You couldn't look up and not see one. Bald and Golden Eagles. We heard them "talking" and saw some fighting!
Shawn is doing two things at once... taking our picture and paddling the raft! Erin, Chena, and I going for a ride and trying to find a good fishing spot!

These are our other friends, trying out their new raft!!! They have themselves, two kids, and two dogs.... plus Adam on their raft. Also--they floated and camped on an island along the way so they also have all of their camping gear! What a cute family!... plus Adam.

Yes.. those are people lined up on both sides of the Kenai River, trying their luck with red salmon or Sockeye Salmon. This is not quite "combat" fishing as the people have some space. It can seriously get to be shoulder-to-shoulder when the fish are coming in good. ALWAYS where glasses... hooks everywhere! On this particular section, you have to take a ferri to get across. Their are signs up of a doctor who is willing to remove hooks, any time of the day or night! Eeeep! Hope we never have to use that number!

Adam with his first salmon of the season!
Mama bear made baby bear go down to the river and bring her a salmon carcass! :)

There's mama bear, they went trotting by after they saw us.
Erin's college friends came up for a visit and we went to this fun/silly bar. There are numerous rooms with a theme.... this one happened to be the underwear room!
Like Adam wrote earlier today... he is DONE with his residency!! I have my husband back and he has his life back!!! We're going to enjoy our visitors this summer and then tackle our house projects!! keep you updated... I have yet to officially "land" a salmon. The past two summers I have had quite a few on and haven't been able to get them to land. (They ARE hard to catch but most people have a better ratio than me:) ) However... I landed one last weekend and immediately the hook came out and went right into my hand (specifically.. my "bad" finger). With all my luck, nobody was around to help me! I was doing all I could to keep the fish on shore...using my right hand, feet, and rocks--- BUT it swam away!!! My finger is fine but my pride is looooooooooooooooow! NEXT TIME!!! :)
Well... better finish up getting ready for Sanibel... we had to dig out all of our beach gear!
:) Love you All!! xxoo

When we realized the bears were not interested in us, nor felt threatened by us---I got out the camera!!! The bear in this video is actually the cub--- pretty big cub eh??

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