Thursday, January 7, 2010

2 in one night!

WOW! Hey-hey....two blog updates in one night! Don't won't be a month and a 1/2 before we write again!

"Huntin" for moose in the park across the street. Adam is armed with a stick..pssshh! haha!
I saw the mother and baby back again, but since Adam was at work, I decided not to venture out to see them myself (snow is harder to run in!) So, we went out to track em down when he got home.

Ah-HA, found ya! OH...and this lil guy gave us a tiny scare....he "playfully" ran at us. We of course both yelled "shit" and ran faster than we thought we could! He was just playing with us though! ;) No, but really.....all of the moose we have encountered have been extremely chill, this one was a little upset with us, which was good--we had our eyes opened and it gave us a wake up call. Just because they're in the middle of town....doesn't mean these beasts aren't wild!

moose tracks

moose poo-poo.... we knew we were on the right trail. Especially after Adam tasted it to make sure it was fresh....hehe just kidding!

From our guest room window!

At the base of Flat Top mountain--lookin over Anchorage

Gorgeous view of Anchorage. (This was Adam's picture idea...ain't he cute?!?!)

Cross-country skiing the powerline trail near Flat Top (where we saw the mating moosers!)
I almost peed myself....we weren't even going very of Adam's legs came out and his ski flew up in the air, followed by the other leg. When he landed, an arm swung around and he popped himself in the head with his pole. SOOOOOO funny!

Our view while skiing!

Can you see the mountains lit up in the horizon?!?

Mountains lit up in the horizon!

Flat Top looks...very....flat!

Ice fog crystals collected on the rubber pokey thingys on my new tires!

Full view of my tire...funny!

I don't know how, but this is a gigantic star lit on the top of a nearby mountain that can be seen from Anchorage.

Can you see the star on the mountain?!?
Well, what else?!?
-Adam and I are both continuing to work our butts off! I am managing to stay away from the school on the weekends....Adam still goes in. He is VERY busy, but loving it! We both are fortunate to have jobs we thoroughly enjoy and great people to work with.
--We have 4 ski/snowboard areas with in 40 minutes of us, a couple only 10-15 mins away! We are going to Alyeska resort in Girdwood this weekend. We are staying the weekend in a cabin with 2 other couples that are becoming good friends...... we all enjoy spending time outdoors-especially in Alaska!
Oh my could I forget?!?! DID YOU WATCH THE GAME TUESDAY NIGHT?!?!
--Check back again next week.... we are making a point to update the blog at least once a week, for our faithful blog followers! hehe. THANKS GUYS!! We love Alaska and love sharing our experiences with you...the next best thing is----COME VISIT!!! :)
**An incentive... I saw 3 moose within a block of our house between 4:30 and 5:30 last night!lk

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