Sunday, February 26, 2017

1 year old!

Oh where has the time gone!?!?  Our baby is a year old already!  He has 8 teeth.  He takes about 7 steps at a time now and is a realllllly fast crawler.  He likes to climb and is pretty strong, eeeek!  He is 31.5inches and 23lbs.  First spoken word was "dada" and first signed word was "more".  Ashton loves to be outside, playing with his daycare buds, throwing the ball for Tundra, wrestling dada, bath time, FaceTiming Iowa peeps and reading Wiggle, Waggle, Woof! (sled dog book)  He loves to eat and his current favorites are salmon, blueberries, and crackers!  He is weaning from nursing which is exciting, yet sad.  At the moment he gets up once a night and naps once a day.  I am very grateful to have stayed home with him this year and am ready for another!  We are excited for our Alaska summer with guests-- both grandparents, cousin Sydney, and hopefully Uncle Brandon and Aunt Deanna! 

Unfortunately, our camera was throwing us fits and most of our recent pictures are blurry..... or maybe it just has difficulty focusing on our little wild man ;).  But this is including Christmas in Iowa :(, so I don't have many pictures.

Here are just a few pictures of our growing dude and a couple adventures.  Adam has more to come with icefishing/snowmachining/winter camping fun.

 10 months!  Matching blue eyes!  Ashton's are just a bit darker with some brown in the middle in some lighting.


 12 months already!!  8 teeth in that big smile!

 The lamby cake is a Kucera tradition.  Grandma K made a lamby cake for all her children and grandchildren on their first birthday.  I need to dig up the picture of my dad and myself with ours! 

This picture was on his birthday.  We Facetimed with his grandparents in Iowa and expected a big show. 
This picture sums up what he thought about his cake that night!

 We saved the cake and tried again the next night.  CAKE EVERYWHERE!!
 Guess he likes to eat cake with his clothes on!!
Licking the plate clean!
 Going for a cross-country ski, our neighbor pup joined us!
 Hoar frost! 

 We always have beautiful hoar frost in the winter!  Giant ice crystals!
 Best kind of nap!
 Ice fishing with dada!
 We have a climber!  He was able to go all the way up this ladder at our friends' cabin!  I have to keep a close eye on him as he is now climbing on top of anything he can! 
 Adam surprised me with this beautiful mount of my 2015 King Salmon!
 Fits in well with our other mounts.  We need to post a picture of all, but we now have a black bear, brown bear, moose, caribou, sheep, goat, and this king salmon on our wall.
 Only in Alaska you go to a winter carnival!  Fur Rondy!  Running of the reindeer, fur/antler auctions, fireworks, and ceremonial start of the Iditarod are just a few of the fun events during this two week festival!
 Ashton got to be super close to the sled dogs! 
 We have had a visitor frequenting our culdesac lately.  Hard to see it in the picture, but Tundra is in the driveway and has decided that moose aren't so bad since he didn't even bark at the moose munching on the tree directly across from him! Ha!

Well, we are off to Hawaii tomorrow!  Ash loves to be outside in the cold, we will see how he feels about the warmth!  Keeping in mind he lived in his diaper all summer long when 60 degrees was hot for him!