Monday, December 22, 2014

finally lookin more like winter...... sort of

 So we have gotten a LITTLE snow, I got to cross country ski twice now!  wahoo! ...... it has been a real drag!  We had plans to snowmachine into a cabin for a weekend of ice fishing but machine trails weren't open yet due to the lack of snow so we had to hike in all of our gear by pulling the snowmachine sleds ourselves!  It was only 1.5 miles but with Adam pulling all fishing gear including auger and ice hut and myself pulling all our weekend gear including water and wood- every little hill was DIFFICULT!  Sure got a workout! 

 Oh and we hiked in the dark!
 Happy Pup!
 Shawn and Erin joined us the next day!!!! Fishing, food, games, beverages= FUN!
 Pups were happy to see each other! Cuddle bugs
 My babe
 Nice lake trout!

 Our home for the weekend- Byers Lake public use cabin 2
 Another nice laker
 family photo opp
 Christmas caribou!
 our babies
  haha the best we could get

 beggars-- they love moose sticks too
 not a fan of daddy's creation

 proud pup after a different weekend of fishing for rainbow trout

 Merry Christmas to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  Winchester SX3- duck gun
 the view on my chilly trail run
 winter wonderland

Running on ice cleats!
 excited pup for our SECOND ski of the season-- eesh its been rough!
 our mountain in our backyard
 Tundra got a Christmas gift from one of his girlfriends- Evie, across the street!  :)

We will be back in Iowa for the holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then we will celebrate Adam's 30th Birthday at Alyeska with our friends.  And then off to Mexico for a week of warmth!

Happy Holidays to ya'll!  Best wishes for the new year!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

40 degrees and rain

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Hope ya'll get to enjoy some yummy food with family or friends.  Adam had a great idea and looked into volunteer opportunities at the Anchorage soup kitchen, however, they already had enough volunteers- how impressive!  So we will be serving at the Hard Rock Cafe's event- free meals to those who are in need and signed up.  Then we are going over to our amazing friends' house for a meal with them and both sets of their parents.  We are excited! 

Sooooo just like the lower 48, we have had some very unusual weather.  We have had warm temps- it even reached 40 degrees last week!  And only ONE snow- all melted of course.  So our "down time" between seasonal activities has been extra long this year.  It has actually worked out alright because Adam is still taking it easy after foot surgery.  He doesn't have to wear the support boot anymore and has been doing P90X workouts with some accommodations for his foot.  He is very anxious to start playing basketball again- he has already missed almost 1/2 the season.  Just waiting for it to heal completely, he still has some pain.

We don't have very exciting photos-- due to Adam's foot and the long wait for winter, we haven't been out adventuring except for weekend hikes for Tundra and me.

 Our little banana waiting at the door for trick-or-treaters!  He LOVES Halloween and tolerates costumes well!
 Family photo at our Halloween party- a bunch of Adam's coworkers came over for some beverages and games.  Adam even made up a game-- I'll let him share if he decides.
 This is the beautiful frost we get in our valley when the temps are cold enough.  Parts of the valley, including our house, do not get direct sunlight for a couple months in the winter due to the mountain blocking the low sun

In two weekends we are suppose to be snow machining into a cabin for an ice fishing weekend......luckily the cabin is only a mile from the parking lot so we can hike our stuff in! :)  We are back to cooler temps so the lake ice should be good to go.

We will be back in Iowa for Christmas!!! Yahooooooooooooooo!  Can't wait!

Adam turns 30 on January 2! 


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Snow and Surgery

 Hey hey!

I'm just going to get right into it............

 an early morning on the marsh---- here ducky duckies!
 2 Families of Tundra Swans flew in- check out the video at the end of this entry.  They are LOUD and bring in the ducks!  These parents had juveniles- they are gray feathered and have reddish/orange beaks. 
 Had a great morning!
 Blast N Cast weekend on the Kasilof River and Tustenema Lake.  We slept in the tent, fly-fished for steelhead trout and hunted ducks
 Happy pup-- loves the boat!
 This lil feller was quite a distance from the ocean-- a seal in the river!  The silver salmon were still running so the it was chasing them up the river
 Adam fly fishing-- no luck for either of us.  We did get three ducks though!
 Our set up for the weekend- cots and heater kept us warm!

 A black bear in our green belt-- thanks to our guard dog for letting us know!  This bear was HUGE and very, very tired!  It kept yawning and even laid down while we were watching it from our deck.  It was startled once and began to climb the tree but quickly moved back down and yawned!
 Tundra was bit by another dog on a trail when we were running.  It was the craziest situation-- he had played with the dog the first time we went by, but the dog nipped at him the next time we ran by.  Tundra did not yip or yelp, didn't act like he was hurt or lick the wound, and it didn't bleed past his fur.  SOOOOO we didn't even realize he had been injured until the next day when I saw blood on his blankie.  It made me sick- I felt so bad! 
 4 stitches the next day and the "cone of doom" while we were at work.  Of all the times for this to happen it worked out well that Adam just happened to have foot surgery the a couple days later so they were able to be at home recovering together!
 Adam had surgery on his left foot for a neuroma between his third and fourth inflamed nerve that had been bothering him for quite awhile.  He even had steroid and cortizone shots for relief while on on his sheep hunt (even though they didn't really work) He had one week w/o washing it and no weight put on his left foot, then one week with light weight, and he got the stitches out today. He is given 2-3 weeks for recovery now.  Overall it has gone really well with minimal pain.
 This is the card from our neighbor girl whom I tutor twice a week.  Adam and her are buddies- always teasing and playing rough! 
 A run along Eagle River

A frosty afternoon run----- the sun is not rising above the mountain enough to reach this area--- frozen until March/April!

 A hike up to Gordon Lyon with our neighbor.  (of course Adam couldn't go but he got some work done on the snowmachines to get them ready for the season!)
 Anchorage is covered by the clouds at the right

 Symphany and Eagle Lakes frozen at the end of this valley
 Tundra enjoying the view! Pics didn't turn out well-- but from this peak we could see three volcanoes, Sleeping Lady, Denali, Anchorage, Eagle River, and Eagle/Symphany Lakes!  Amazing!

My little mountain goat ----- looks so far away!  I guess an illusion between the peaks- he is only about 40 yards away!

Please keep Adam in your prayers for a fast recovery--- you all know how active and adventurous he is so this healing period has been torture!  I quote him ON THE SAME DAY HE CAME HOME FROM SURGERY, "I feel like a lazy piece of sh*t!"  ......... it has been "fun"!

....until next time!

oooooh oh oh-- and the tundra swans!