Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Happy Holidays!

 Happy Holidays to ya'll........ hope you have enjoyed November and the first part of December! 

 Tundy with the neighbor dogs at the river

 My name was drawn from a hat, so I was one of 3 teachers drawn from 9 preschool teachers to attend the NAEYC(National Association for Educating Young Children) conference in Washington D.C.  It was overwhelming but amaaaaaaaaaaaazing!  This is one of the buildings the conference was held in.  Thousands of people attended!
 One of my sessions--- there were 86 to choose from so this is an idea of the size of this conference

 It was pretty crazy that my college roommate's husband happened to be in D.C for one of the days I was there and had dinner at a restaurant only 6 blocks away from me.  It was nice to see a fellow Iowan over a few beers!

 Watched Dr. Jean sing her famous "Tooty-ta" song!

The exhibit hall was INNNNNNNSANE!
hey hey whitehouse

Greg and Steeeeeve!

Loved the sights and history

I love love love Weeping Willows


sledding down the mountain with our neighbors over Thanksgiving.  Adam went to Missouri to surprise his family for Thanksgiving break!  He flew into Kansas City and had one of his sisters and brother-in-law on board with his plan to meet them at the gas station they usually stop at on the way to the cabin on Table Rock.

I spent time at our friend's, the Nabers, house and with our neighbors in the culdesac.

My fav pup

I came up from the shower one morning to this--- Tundra looks guilty and mama is trying to look innocent.  One year ago they couldn't stand each other.... what are these two up to?!?!

First winter weekend-- ice fishing on Byer's Lake

Our rides and cabin for the weekend

We caught A LOTTA  lake trout and burbot.  Double digit trout caught Saturday and Sunday!  FUUUUUN!

 This pic is for Jeanette-- check out these burl seats on the railing of the cabin's porch! :)

Inside of the cabin-- typical for a public use.  Except this one's wood stove was TERRIBLE! 

We got 16 inches of snow last weekend! It was a winter wonderland!  Tundy and I went cross-country skiing and Adam went back-country boarding with Shawn.

 Safe travels for the holidays--- we will be back in Iowa.  Hope to see as many of you as possible! :)